My mind is full of memories from when I was a child. I suppose most people think of times past, around the Christmas season, though not all has to be related to Christmas. There are things you may hear or see that triggers a memory. You could say reflections and my recollection of memories.
One memory that has always been dear to me was practicing on my gram's piano the song Toyland written in 1903 by Victor Herbert, not that I'm that old I just grew-up with my gram. Well, Toyland has been played over the years around Christmas, and in the movie "Babes in Toyland" that usually aired that time for us classic buffs. Though I was learning to play I don't know if relatives and friends alike were aware that my Gram and dad played piano, actually my dad played many instruments, I can't fully remember which one was teaching me how to play Toyland, maybe both, but I do remember I started with this song. I was very young, I imagine around seven or eight possibly younger.
My dad's brother would tell us stories of my dad sitting at the piano with me playing Toyland, he'd say darn if it didn't sound good! Sadly, for me it didn't go anywhere. One year we traveled to Arizona staying a short few months only having to leave as my gram's brother was very ill. I don't remember if he passed away before returning or shortly after, that was tough for me - he and I were pals. I was also sad to find not only my grams piano gone with any future lessons, but my bike and little treasures I collected.Which brings another memory to mind with Uncle Russ that was triggered recently while I was in a feed store.
Aw - just a moment ~ it turned out to be a beautiful day so I'm outside for the first time - ever - possibly - enjoying this moment. . . now back to a memory, ;)
While in the feed store I happened to notice a tube of Veterinary Liniment Gel on the counter. I picked it up and inquired if this was for humans as well, since Veterinary was on the packaging. I also remembered the liquid was used for horses. Anyway, I answered my own question and shared this story with the clerk. When I was a young girl I was always hanging out with my Uncle Russ feeding and watching the chickens or checking out what the cow was doing. One day we finished up and headed in for our treat of molasses milk. but Uncle Russ went into the living room and sat down on an ottoman asking Aunt Millie to get the liniment for his lower back it was hurting bad. So she did. The Liniment wasn't in a gel but liquid and when she started to put in on his lower back it ran down through a spot you normally see on silly plumbers and he let out a yell, one I never heard before! I decided right then I'd never use the stuff! Well I bought it and thought my dad could try it. ha ha So bringing it home I said, "dad I saw this and thought it might work on your joints that have been hurting." He then said, what! I think I have some, sure enough a large bottle just sitting on the shelf behind him. So I kept the tube of liniment gel - I've been using it myself and it works pretty good, it's even better since it can't run away to places its not suppose to and shouldn't!It's still beautiful out I'm not sure how much I'll get to on this post ~ !2.31.24
Here it is day 6 into a new year and Happy New Year!
It's so true that memories can be triggered by things we see and hear, as stories and music whether happy or sad. I hope the thoughts and memories you have are happy to visit once in awhile.
As a child I had the best times at this old farm house. It was my great grand parents, built by their son. He also built a house next door for him and his wife. There was also a cabin that some were born in that burnt down - I would've loved to have seen it or had picture. The big house was splint down the middle so to speak, where my Uncle Russ and Aunt Millie lived and after mom (great gram) passed away it was filled with another sib and family. This farm was a Childs paradise with places to hide, forts to build, grass to run, and hills to climb, woods to venture and hike, and even just past the pasture before hitting some woods a running creek. Even the field was spent playing ball and the dirt roads were our track to race cousins on our bikes. There were chickens to feed and a cow to milk, food and stories to tell around the table. I miss it! It seemed like simpler from a kids persecutive - as an adult I know the work was hard. My Uncle Russ and I would venture out and discuss the animals and when done we'd go into the house to enjoy a glass of molasses milk and - believe it or not, since it's me, circus peanuts that I can't even look at anymore! lol The milk is another story, :)
My husband and I spent so much time traveling. When we finally got out of the CG we settled only to move to where we thought we'd stay. For the most part there our boys were able to do some of the things I did growing up. At least I hope they had enjoyed the times together with each other and good friends they made. Still I sure would have loved them to have had that old farm house. I think when moving around - yes, you might grow while seeing many new things that those who stay put don't, however, those who move around sometimes loose out on some things that those who stay put have. (I don't even know if that makes any sense!) I was always thankful for those I met at church we fellowshipped with. They were our family away from family. We were so blessed to have everyone of them in our lives.
One last memory to share since we just had Christmas. When I was young I so loved the wooded hollow this time of the year, frankly, any area where the trees are glistening with snow. OH so beautiful. Well, when looking across the hollow from the road you could see the house, since the trees were bare or dusted with snow, you could see all the way to my gramma's window. She had a big picture window where she placed her tree. You could see the lights on the tree that looked so big and beautiful. When reaching the house and entering only to find with surprise a 2 foot high Christmas tree! There it was, sitting on an end table front and center of the window, every year she used that tree. I loved it. I think my brother still has that tree. :) I sure wished I had a picture to share.
I believe, and this is my opinion, that memories can be good but you are not to stay, indefinably, for the Lord has a beautiful life planned for those who are His. Are you one?
From that kid in me, my memories I hold dear, however, I'm believing that the best is yet to come. "I know that God has the best yet to come" His word tells us so. It's important we move forward.
For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
Not only that - as His daughter through my relationship with Him, I have a story, a testimony (many) - which is something I share here. We all do. I'm sure if you take a look back throughout your life whether you were a 'believer' or not, honestly take a look how you got through what seemed to be impossible times and challenges. Through prayers of others, prayers you conveyed as if into the air through longings and all the while not recognizing God was listening and answering out of His love for you. As if a miracle happened. Maybe not all who are reading this post but many of you. He's waiting.
To hold on to the past as in never moving forward is a mistake. I love going to Dos Cabezas in Willcox, AZ, the owner has little quotes on the cup sleeves. A recent sleeve said, "Don't look back you're not going that way." (a wise quote I'd say) I always use this scripture verse for the New Year, Philippians 3:12-14 (I'll let you look it up today.) - in place of a resolution. I don't like making 'resolutions' though I always look to doing better with the Lord's help and guidance.
In closing, I hope you're blessed who read and seek Him daily. Shalom ~
Long before I was even born, my gram and uncle Russ on the farm, they were best pals too.
Just a favorite picture of mine.
A Happiest of New Years to You & Yours With All God's Good Blessings ~
May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all.
2 Thessalonians 3:18 NLT