Saturday, December 31, 2011

Nearing The End Of Another Year~

With 2011 soon to be gone,
And another year to think upon.
I'm blessed to have my family.

Finally, all the kids are here!  And just in the nick of time to be together for Christmas - that is the- "New Year!"  Today - the last of 2011 - never to be seen again.  We'd almost thought Jake, Julie and Aaron weren't going to make it and that they would all have more time with us.   Oh! and let us not forget the pups!  All together 5 - 4 legged beings and 7 - 2 legged beings all together for a few days - under one roof - in a small house.

But, you know,
I'll take whatever I can get!
I'm a Mom~ 

It has been a busy, busy year and will be in closing.   So many things planned like working on the truck, finishing Christmas gifts I didn't get done, hanging up my dad's last years Christmas gift, a cool "sign" with name & address (I wonder if he forgot too) lol and more I know we'd like to accomplish - though I can't think of it now.   None of it seems important other than being together even for a few days.

With 2012 upon us now,
What have I been thinking?

Hoping to remember the need to slowdown and continue thinking upon those things that are important.  Not forgetting what I already know. "That ALL things (that's correct) are possible with God and through Him we can do all things!"  How?  It's simple,  He LOVES me!  He LOVES you!  And so much so that He came as a babe to die for a sinful world at Calvary.

With setting aside a day or two,
To recognize His love.
Christmas and Calvary!

When He should be recognized more and all year long.  How great is His love that He would come to save us.  The natural mind cannot fully comprehend it but through the Holy Spirit.  Though one day everyone will know just how great is His love is and how much.

Just how much "big" is God's love - His grace?  It's an ocean without a shoreline.. (Pastor Dale Clonts).  Just think of it an ocean without of a shore - space without boundaries is His love for me -- for you!

So, I'll leave you with that;
A thought for the "New Year."
Something to think upon~

Happy New Year!

And, BTW we were so busy no pics! Just blessings and that you well find - Jesus is the only thing you will ever need.  :)

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