Friday, October 4, 2024

Memories From a Rural Mail Carrier ~

For every route there were stories. I had a highway contract working from a Post Office in New Mexico. My route was no different from other rural routes and I’m certain all carriers have their memories with many stories to tell. On my route even mailboxes had a story ~ Such a long time ago I still have fond memories (mostly), not ever forgetting the stories.


Who doesn’t have a good story to share? I guess it depends on how the story is received from the one sharing the story. I have often heard; in telling a good story it should grab the reader’s attention in the first part. 


My husband traveled back and forth out of state with his job, one day he came home and said, “I got you a job!” “Doing what, I asked!?” Not that raising three teenage boys wasn’t enough – we also lived where some would consider out in the boonies, He preceded with, “I bid on a rural highway contract with the US Postal Service, and we got the bid!” He continued with letting me know the position wasn’t far from where we lived; adding – “How hard could it be?! You will be delivering the mail working out of the local Post Office. You start .  .  . when you get there, you will meet with the Postmaster (PM) who will give you all the details and whatever training. So, what do you think?!” Honestly, I can’t think of what I thought when asked, I can sure imagine a lot I might have! 

At the time I didn’t know anything about the job or what to expect. I did know it was working six days a week with the length of each day depending on how quickly you did your job and how much mail you had. I found out if the mail didn’t come presorted, I would be delayed waiting for those working within the PO sorting out all mail that wasn’t pre-sorted to flats that carriers get each morning. The carriers still had to take that mail and sort it into the case slots for each curbside customer they had. It really saved us out on the route and the waiting portion, when the regular PO crew sorted, they also were sorting theirs for delivery within the PO the carrier was never sure when to expect to get out.


This ‘bid’ was on a brand-new route.  The area was growing fast with new sub-divisions, as well as homes out with acreage, they needed to break up deliveries, expanding boundaries. I wasn’t the only one hired for new routes, before I left three others came in, originally there were only a few carriers. I learned quickly and was proficient at my job. I learned where all the addresses belonged (other routes) being able to jump in and help sort the missorted as well as magazines etc. to each carrier enabling me to get out early and shortening up my day. I must confess that when we first moved to the ‘boonies,’ I started learning all the names of the roads by making wrong turns and getting lost, it proved helpful on the job, so much so I could tell how to find places or which carrier they’d need to talk to from the name of the road.

On my first day with my “new job” the PM, gave me the low-down, walked me through the PO, sharing much of my training would be on the job and exactly where my route was. She told me that I needed specific things always in my car in case I was stranded. As you can see from the photo’s a bit of my route. I did have a Subaru (for city driving) 4wheel drive was important for all routes, though my car was low to the ground, I mostly ate dirt. So much so my car seemed to permanently have that floating dust look inside much like seeing pigpen on Charlie Brown! Every curbside box and cluster boxes were on dirt or just off paved onto dirt. I will say I had the nicest cluster boxes (I still regularly notice all mail ‘cluster’ boxes commenting how nice mine were). When I first started, I only had customers from curbside or is that ditch and berm side! The curbside group was broken off another route and the PM shared it would increase as time went on. Then she looked at me curiously asking, “Are you certain you want this job?” I politely said, “yes, why?”  “Well, you had the lowest bid.” I replied, “I didn’t know what others had bid, and wouldn’t have known, asking again why?” She said to me, “Well it’s so low, you are like volunteering.” nice~

Of course, I can’t remember the actual thoughts that were bouncing in my mind then; I know I probably had the look of stunned ~ 


As time went by, I enjoyed (mostly) my route especially the Oldtimers with curbside. I found I really liked the PM – we got along well. She just allowed the carriers to do their jobs as we were contracted to do. We followed postal regulations (mostly), worked hard and looked at it as those who were receiving mail were in fact our customers we were providing the service. Everyone working with us within the PO all seemed to get along, most disgruntled things from the regulars were directed towards the PM so they got along great! Until she retired, that’s the way it goes sometimes. One time the PM mentioned to me that for the route I needed to get something like cross extensions put on the car for driving on the other side of the road. By looking at the photos, it wasn’t like there was ever traffic to contend with – as none. I told her that I would deliver backwards – kind a sort of. She told me she didn’t care how I delivered the mail; she didn’t want problems. BTW all the regulation stuff I needed to have for my route, you know the standard safety stuff – traffic warning triangles or cones, etc., if I broke down and pulled to the ditch putting cones out, lol, who would see them? Cows, doggies and a passerby with an hour space time between each car or tractor. My husband, when brick mobile phones came out, brought one home for me to use on the route – for emergencies, you would think it was a great idea, I found out that I would have had to climb a hill – finding that perfect spot to get a connection like I did when at home! I knew God was always with me as well, I only had one tire problem on ‘that’ route the whole time I was a carrier. 

I wished I could find my cow pic ~

As time went by, I enjoyed (mostly) my route especially the Oldtimers with curbside. I found I really liked the PM – we got along well. She just allowed the carriers to do their jobs as we were contracted to do. We followed postal regulations (mostly), worked hard and looked at it as those who were receiving mail were in fact our customers we were providing the service. Everyone working with us within the PO all seemed to get along, most disgruntled things from the regulars were directed towards the PM so they got along great! Until she retired,  that’s the way it goes sometimes. One time the PM mentioned to me that for the route I needed to get something like cross extensions put on the car for driving on the other side of the road. By looking at the photos, it wasn’t like there was ever traffic to contend with – as none. I told her that I would deliver backwards – kind a sort of. She told me she didn’t care how I delivered the mail just deliver it; she didn’t want problems. BTW all the regulation stuff I needed to have for my route, you know the standard safety stuff – traffic warning triangles or cones, etc., if I broke down and pulled to the ditch putting cones out, lol, who would see them? Cows, doggies and a passerby with an hour space time between each car or tractor. One day my husband brought home a brick mobile phone when they came out for me to use on the route – you know for emergencies. You'd think it would've been a great idea, I soon found out that I would have had to climb a hill – finding that perfect spot to get a connection like I did when at home! I knew God was always with me as well, I only had one tire problem on ‘that’ route the whole time I was a carrier. 


I have many memories of my time as a carrier, the most memorial ‘favorite’ time was being outside with the most beautiful skies I’ve ever seen, the air had that light, fresh, airy feel. Always seeming to have a slight breeze on those kinds of days. I usually listened to KLYT 88.3 Albuquerque (all music at the time) or DC Talk’s album, Jesus Freak! I still do. I mostly listened to  “I’ve Got Something to Say,” that I could literally listen to over and over on my route. The start of the song seemed to capture the skies and how I felt in that fresh air of being outside. It always ministered to how I felt inside.  There were things going on in our lives with Jim being gone, the boys were busy with practice, cars and friends – being teenagers. The route provided a space where I was able to be alone with the Lord, so to speak, and out where I could in a way let things go enjoying the beauty of outside.

I surprised myself here only getting this far without sharing some memorable stories I liked from my first route. Yes, my first route. I used to joke – my husband loved me so much he got me a second route!

I think I'll stop here for the meantime. We've been busy on the farm as my son would say. We had a natural gas leak and having a new line put in. Say a prayer for me and while I wait until next week went it is hopefully up and running, I'll be listening to DC Talk. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


September 16, 2024

We heard it was coming, that much-anticipated rain. But when? Monsoons you might ask, why yes for in the desert areas of the southwest it's the desire every moisture loving person, animal, bird, bug and plant long for. Even every creeping creature all long for moisture that refreshing that replenishes. Last evening the clouds were building to what I hoped would be a monsoonal dream. We had all the excitement of thunder and lightning with the beautiful sound of rain. I hoped it would last.

"Look, God is greater than we can understand. His years cannot be counted. He draws up the water vapor and then distills it into rain. The rain pours down from the clouds, and everyone benefits. Who can understand the spreading of the clouds and the thunder that rolls forth from heaven? See how he spreads the lightning around him and how it lights up the depths of the sea. By these mighty acts he nourishes the people, giving them food in abundance." Job 36:26-31 NLT

There was a time and not so long ago I would have had my camera ready to go capture a shot and at any given time. I was always interested in grabbing shots of moisture especially living here. And, it had been quite a while since I've been able to sit here with a few shots of moisture for posting. The last time I posted about Moisture was September 15, 2014, as you can imagine living in a desert area, if you don't, anticipating the long-awaited rain is something you seem to dream about. I had other shots from my camera several years past only to be lost. This morning's photos were taken from my cell. I thought why not, they weren't too bad - though not the quality of my camera. ;/

The clouds below were building this afternoon we're anticipating that needed rain. We haven't seen close to a real monsoon season in a long while. Or maybe I hadn't notice with the "pinball" machine busy I've been in - maybe a little of both.

He loads the clouds with moisture, and they flash with his lightning. Job 37:11 NLT

I don't think anyone would disagree we all are in need of refreshing. Whether it is to replenish the ground in which you walk or possibly one of a healing or repenting nature. Even King David needed a touch from God, many times.

For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer. Psalm 32:3-4 ESV

He wants to heal the dry parched world and the lives we live. And whether or not we get our rainy season, I'll trust Him for my refreshing. Vicky

Today September 17, 2024
 - it's RAINING :)

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Giants, Rocks or Stone Shaped-Hearts, and God's Love ~

One day in November of 2023, [I truly can't believe it was that long ago for in my mind it started in January] I was heading out the driveway and looking down I saw a dark rock/stone in the shape of a heart. Being a lover of rocks etc. I snatched it up. 

This started a surprising over the next several days in through December, the 'I could hardly believe it times' when I kept seeing heart-shaped stones in which I gathered up. They were visibly all over the drive and property.

Not all are perfect, but you can make out a heart shape in them, many better than others.

You could say some might be a bit questionable but to the collector you can see the heart.

Seeing these heart-shaped rocks have continued on throughout the winter.

I haven't a clue as to how they came to be, or how I seem to keep seeing them?

My sister said someone might be sending them from heaven. :)

All different sizes and colors, some with imperfections and neat designs.


Overall, I have collected around 54 that you can see the shape good to okay. Now what to do with all the rocks/stones. Which is it rocks or stones?

I had a discussion with my favorite grandson :) (only) and shared with him what I wanted to do with the lot. I shared that I knew a young girl around his age that was battling a giant. This giant as far as I know is not known. So, I can't say what it is exactly, but it is something that has been making her ill and has been battling for a while. She also likes collecting rocks and told me that her favorite is river rock that she can paint. 

She also knows David's faith in God and God's love for her. I think that's where the "heart-shaped" stones come into play. I believe they also represent the LORD Jesus who is our ROCK. The heart simply is God's love.

Is a rock the same as a stone? I read on the internet there seems to be a different answer for many. Here are a few. 

Earth Science - Geology a rock is an object and stone are a substance.

Geeks for Geeks - Rocks can range in size from small pebbles to large mountain ranges. Stones are smaller, often hand-sized or smaller. 

Quora (in which a gentleman answered on the forum a geologist for 38 years) said Rock is natural material. Stone is rock material used by humans as suggesting - Rocks lie on the ground. When David picks a rock up off the ground and uses it to kill Goliath, we call it a stone. He went on with some other descriptive thoughts, as with rock it can lay beneath the surface but in the end shared it was okay to use the words interchangeably and to just be aware of the subtle differences in language use. Interesting.

I'm hoping my young collector friend will like the stones and put them to a creative use. Maybe I'll be able to post a picture of the outcome! God is also a collector / caretaker of our hearts.

I think I picked up, 
All the hearts 
You showed me. 

I didn’t have to 
Look so hard  
To see each one  
In front of me. 

Some are more visible 
With there outlined curve, 
Smooth and clean. 

The rest are hidden, 
Embodied with rougher shapes, 
Not as pristine. But ~ 
Still there to see. 

O’ Father if I  
Could only see  
The hearts You’ve 
Place before me. 

As You see them ~ 

3.25.24 6:45AM 

For me what the ‘heart-shaped’ stones also represent for this post.  

I sometimes fail miserably to see what is in front of me. When my eyes are focused on something other than You. I can be deceived thinking I might not be. O’ Father that I would cling and focus ever on You ~ VLB 3.26.24 6:30AM 

David used simple stones to slay a giant and it wasn’t just a giant that day. David a small boy had faith and confidence in the Lord to face what was hard for grown men to face because of their lack of _____. I'm sure you can fill in the blank with your own thoughts. We also face giants at times and many of them. I don't imagine it will change soon. 

Youngsters today also face giants whether it is an illness, a bully, peer pressure at their schools, media, an unhappy home, lack of nutrition I'm sure the list could go on awhile. One thing my grandson said to me when he was seven, I like sharing this, when eating something he did care for; he said, "gramma I might not like this, but I'll deal with it!" I told him that is the most grown-up thought for a kid his age, for there were many grow-ups that don't know how to deal with things they might not like. He was pleasantly surprised answering "really!" It was a big deal for him to hear that. :)

Do you have a ROCK to stand on and a stone to use? Do you have faith to exercise as David to slay your giants? Do you know the LOVE God has for you? Do you know sometimes we might fail but to know the LOVE God has for us and His ability with His Holy Spirit in us, mixed with a measure of faith we can take a simple stone to slay our giants.

Much like us, the heart-shaped stones are representative of us - we were all created by God who loves us with all. Even with our different shapes and sizes, all our imperfections whether smooth or rough, good or bad days with regrets and failures, there is no difference to how God loves us. We can trust Him with everything His outcomes are ALWAYS the best. Amen

Here is a previous post you might like.  Fighting Giants