I've been writing in journals off and on for years. Its something I would suggest everyone try. It doesn't have to be a novel. Just whatever you feel like writing. Some days I might write concerns. Another day hopes and prayers; or something silly. Even cherished memories.
Whatever you feel on your heart to write.
I'm sharing mine this morning with some pictures. Remember it can be anything even random thoughts.
April 28, 08
We still have blooms
Birds are singing
It smells fresh out
Birds are at the last of the seed
What to do..
Sunday was good
Church was good too
A bit cooler out
I mowed
Happy about that
For today is Monday

Have fun and write away...No pun intended.
A great book to read is: A Fresh Brewed Life by Nicole Johnson
If post is hard to read sorry I'm still learning.
Proverbs 3:3, Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around youneck, write them on the tablet of your heart. NAS
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