Sunday, May 11, 2008

Still Mother's Day

It's still Mother's Day. And, I wanted to share something I made for Mother's Day breakfast. Yes, I made; and yes, I did make a cake for my Birthday....What can I say I like (love) to cook.

I made Lavender Cream Scones with Devonshire cream. The cream scone recipe is one found on line at - . You can find the Devonshire (clotted) cream recipe there as well. I absolutely love Lavender; and I had a package of Culinary Lavender I used in the scones. I put maybe a tablespoon or more. If you try it, I would suggest to your liking. It can be on the strong side. I purchased the Culinary Lavender when I was in Washington. (This is the place you need to visit if you can).
With the scones; I had fresh organic *strawberries, cantalope and blueberries. I also made hard boiled eggs and served it up; with a cup of fresh coffee. It was delicious. I had to run a plate to my friend Joan. She blessed me yesterday.
Below is another blessing; but, one I found days ago. While I was organizing my sewing room, found this Mother's Day gift. My son Jake made it...I can't even begin to think how old it is. But it was in time for this years Mother's Day. I have many more from all my boys. Each gift is a treasure.

*When purchasing strawberries, try to get organic. Strawberries are at the top of the list for pesticides.

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