Isn't it funny looking back when you were a kid and, at decisions your parents may have made that you didn't like. As in moving for instance. Going to a place where you had to make new friends, leaving old dear friends behind. Also cousins and lots of them that I played and hung out with. So for me; when the decision to move to the Southwest was made, it was bitter sweet.
I had been to Arizona before and I did like the desert. There certainly were new and exciting things to see. But officially moving there, well at first I hated it. Hate is a strong word but, when your a kid that might have been a word you would have used. It was for typical kid reasons too. I didn't like the school. I didn't have or make friends right away and as you could guess; kids can be mean and make fun of you. Of course, being from Pennsylvania it didn't help; though as time went by I grew to like it. That certainly wasn't right away. I don't think I realized just how much I missed the southwest till I moved to Ohio.
My husband is a native of Phoenix, and when we got married we traveled everywhere in the Coast Guard. The western part of the states are my favorite. And, when we lived in New Mexico for 8 years I grew to love it there; maybe the most. It was once one of the best kept secrets, that really has got out since many people seem to be moving in.
I know you can pretty much get good (authentic) Mexican food now in many places. Or purchase items to make it yourself. But, I'm not just talking food here.
Last week I was talking with a friend I haven't spoken to in maybe two years or more. We became friends with each other in New Mexico. Her son and my boys are best of friend, actually more like brothers to this day. Her and her family recently moved back out there from Georgia. She was telling me of all the new changes that have been made, in Edgewood and Moriarty (towns we lived in). She called in the evening time and we talked for some time catching up. Then from her porch she painted a beautiful picture of the evening sky. She was viewing the milky way. I had forgotten about the milky way and how beautiful it is to see. The wonderment of it all. The southwest night sky. The beauty of God's creation. Stars everywhere and very vivid. Some even seem as if you could touch them from the ground. This picture is very true in many areas there, especially at my Dads in AZ.
I didn't have any picture except that in my memory. So here is a photo I found on line. Taken by a young man who went to Philmont Scout Ranch in NM. I believe at least my eldest went there twice. On the link just below picture in can see more awesome pics.
When I think of the west / southwest I do think of home. It's a place you don't always feel the pressures of this life. I guess you could say a closeness to God. A place to get lost in His beauty. It makes me think of what He has in store for those who have chosen His free gift of life. We just get the privilege to see just a glimmer of the beauty He's create for those who believe.
In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:2-3
Until that time we'll have to be patient and enjoy the life He blesses us with each day. Including that of our taste buds. I made Chorizo With Eggs and Wheat Tortillas With Flaxmeal for bunch.
Remember to make the most of your time while you're here.
I had been to Arizona before and I did like the desert. There certainly were new and exciting things to see. But officially moving there, well at first I hated it. Hate is a strong word but, when your a kid that might have been a word you would have used. It was for typical kid reasons too. I didn't like the school. I didn't have or make friends right away and as you could guess; kids can be mean and make fun of you. Of course, being from Pennsylvania it didn't help; though as time went by I grew to like it. That certainly wasn't right away. I don't think I realized just how much I missed the southwest till I moved to Ohio.
My husband is a native of Phoenix, and when we got married we traveled everywhere in the Coast Guard. The western part of the states are my favorite. And, when we lived in New Mexico for 8 years I grew to love it there; maybe the most. It was once one of the best kept secrets, that really has got out since many people seem to be moving in.
I know you can pretty much get good (authentic) Mexican food now in many places. Or purchase items to make it yourself. But, I'm not just talking food here.
Last week I was talking with a friend I haven't spoken to in maybe two years or more. We became friends with each other in New Mexico. Her son and my boys are best of friend, actually more like brothers to this day. Her and her family recently moved back out there from Georgia. She was telling me of all the new changes that have been made, in Edgewood and Moriarty (towns we lived in). She called in the evening time and we talked for some time catching up. Then from her porch she painted a beautiful picture of the evening sky. She was viewing the milky way. I had forgotten about the milky way and how beautiful it is to see. The wonderment of it all. The southwest night sky. The beauty of God's creation. Stars everywhere and very vivid. Some even seem as if you could touch them from the ground. This picture is very true in many areas there, especially at my Dads in AZ.
I didn't have any picture except that in my memory. So here is a photo I found on line. Taken by a young man who went to Philmont Scout Ranch in NM. I believe at least my eldest went there twice. On the link just below picture in can see more awesome pics.

When I think of the west / southwest I do think of home. It's a place you don't always feel the pressures of this life. I guess you could say a closeness to God. A place to get lost in His beauty. It makes me think of what He has in store for those who have chosen His free gift of life. We just get the privilege to see just a glimmer of the beauty He's create for those who believe.
In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:2-3
Until that time we'll have to be patient and enjoy the life He blesses us with each day. Including that of our taste buds. I made Chorizo With Eggs and Wheat Tortillas With Flaxmeal for bunch.
Remember to make the most of your time while you're here.
1 comment:
So glad you got a bit reconnected with you friend from the west...Love that view of the night sky :>
don't fret about the 'normal' thing...I don't remember it either...think it was Liz Higgins that said..'normal is just the setting on the clothes dryer!"
Loving the cool, Sonfilled day! loveyou, D
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