Friday, February 27, 2009

The Mood is Melancholy. . .

Today is a grey and rainy day. The kind that’s restful, a day of rest, a day to rest your mind and listen to the quiet and good calming music. Isn’t it interesting how you can listen to music and it takes you to where you first heard it or you can identify the music with a place. For instance, when I listen to George Winston – I sail back to Buckley, WA when the boys were just little. It was open skies of vivid blue, where we would take our walks around the neighborhood looking at the beauty even see Mt Rainer with snow on top and visit with an old walker we called Woody. There was a fresh feeling of new, it made things right you felt good. Blessed!

Another one is DC Talks CD Jesus Freak. When I hear the songs I’m in NM again with a wonderful feeling. Especially the song Between You and Me - I’m out on my mail route or on a drive in beautiful areas. It ministered to me in a way that it still does today. Isn’t it something how music can effect on your emotions - whether it is positive or negative?

I love music and quiet. LOL!

It’s also interesting how events can affect you too. Like a niece turning 6 this week and the last time you saw her she was 4 years old. We aren’t as close as we used to be and it’s sad to think when you could use a friend the most, you don’t have that friend you thought would be there. But the Lord is always there and does send others your way in the form of new friendship. You can even feel close to others you may never have met, but it’s like you’ve known them forever.

I was looking at a blog this morning that I recently started to visit. The blogger had pictures posted that made me sad. They were beautiful pictures of what she woke to on her birthday. Beautiful pictures of blue skies and daffodils; and in the western part of the states no less. It made me long to be there and belong.

I guess rainy days can have this affect on you; making you melancholy. Maybe it’s how we all should be feeling – longing to be home. That place you have in your heart you feel you belong and need to be. Just off the phone with my cousin as he said, “there’s more to life than mole life.” LOL Yes, I guess I’m feeling melancholy. Aren’t we just strangers here and should long to be in a better place, as heaven.

As the rain comes down and a change is in the works again; I might just make today a day of rest. I’ll listen to my music and think of better days ahead. Above all be thankful to the Lord and friends He sends along my way.

Proverbs 18:24 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.


Becky said...

This writing touches me.....I can relate to so much of it - especially the friend part. I like nothing more than to sit with a friend - a long ago one or a new one - and just connect. Women can do that for hours and it never grows old. We all have so many feelings in common and even similar situations when it comes to our families and our lives.

It was so neat to hear you mention DC Talk! Sometimes I think you and I have the same soul in different parts of the country! I LOVE their original music. I used to listen to them for hours, and Just Between You and Me is one of my most favorites. I actually went to a luncheon in the early nineties at a church in Fox Chapel that they were at. It was before they were very well known. It was in the church social hall and there was a copy of their cassette tape at each of our places with their pictures on the front. They came in and sat amongst us and Toby sat directly across from me - I didn't even know it was him. I don't think I said two words to him and now when I look back I can't believe the opportunity I had to talk with him and didn't even know what to say!!

Thanks again for your blog. Keep up the great work!!

Anonymous said...

I loved this post as it reflects many of my feelings! There are people whom I have never met but feel very close to. It is amazing! But then so is God and He knows just when we need someone to fill a certain empty place in our lives. The Lord provides!

The same feelings you were experiencing when looking at the pictures, I get those too when looking at photos of New England. I long to be back there and also, belong, as most of my family is still there. But then I realize that God has me right where He wants me at this moment. It doesn't make me stop wishing I could go "home" but it does help to comfort me knowing that God has me in His care. In his perfect timing, if it is His will...I will return there. In the meantime, I will grow where I am planted!

As far as hearing certain music...I experience the same. Whenever I hear, "Our God is An Awesome God" it places me right back in Awana where I was a leader and my kids were right along side of me. I get the same "deja-vu" when I smell certain things too. When light my gas transports me to my grandmother's house as she was making tea. Wonderful memories! Happy memories!

I could go on and on about smells and music. There are so many that trigger a memory or feeling. As much as I miss my friends and family in New England, I am glad I do have those memories as they comfort me when I am feeling lonely.

Hebrews 13:5 (New King James Version) content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”