I've been wanting to post for sometime now, I do collectively take pictures for future posts as well as, starting new drafts I go back to and work on here and there until I post; lately I have been to active to get things finished to post. I do want to share what I've been calling my old / new digs - for how long, I haven't the foggiest clue - but it's a room I'm hoping will inspire me to get creative again. If it doesn't I'm not sure what will.
Since we moved here about 8 years ago this room has been a few things. It started out first for sewing, then a quest room, then a make sift bedroom / storage room and now back to a sewing room women would love to have. I've always wanted my own room! The sad thing is in all the almost eight years I've not taken the time (that is - made the time or use my time wisely) to take advantage (use to the fullest) the talent or gifts that the Lord has given me. I don't know if anyone well admit to the same thing but I know you're out there with excuses just like me.
I've been working on many projects with the hopes to sell what I make or I should say create with the Lords direction and help in all that I do.
Pictured below is a crafting table my husband made for me with my inspiration. I have started using it recently and I love the space to work on as well as, being able to drop the sides down when not in use. (Though I haven't done that yet). We kept the sides open so I can have full use of the storage beneath and there also are casters to roll it out of the way. The side supports are yet to be constructed because we have several ideas - it's just picking the one to work best.
John 14 :2 In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. (other translations my have rooms or mansions) and the next verse is Ephesians 5:16 - making the most of your time, because the days are evil.
We recently celebrated Easter and I do want to post on Easter even through the "holiday" already has pasted. Easter is something that should be on the minds of believers and celebrated daily. It's a wonderful thing to know He prepares a place for us. A place of our own to enjoy for eternity. We should want to share the good news with others. Future days are increasingly coming at us faster and evil seem to bound even more, let us make the most of our time here advancing in the knowledge of Jesus that went to prepare a place for us who believe. Remember He said "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also." John 14:3
1 comment:
What a wonderful room and a fantastic table!! I can't wait to see your creations. Looks so serene and peaceful and a place where you can really get lost in being creative.
I love the color, too. Looks like the color we just painted our bedroom. What is that called??
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