Last weekend I visited family in PA. I stayed at my Mom's and we had fun just hanging out; it was much needed rest for me. Monday we went to my Aunt and Uncles for a little get together- the food was awesome. I had the opportunity to visit my youngest sister and her family. They have a beautiful place for our two nephew's Billy and Brutus (Dogue de Bordeaux pup) to run and play.
I also was able to visit my childhood friend that in recent years reconnected with through classmates. I'm so blessed to have her in my life. We got together on her lunch break - the visit was to short, but wonderful. I also got to see another girl from school who remembered me. In fact she went into detail as to where I lived and even the old white stucco pillars that had pieces of all different colored glass in them. I loved those things and apparently everyone else, how funny. They were the fascination of every kid around there dating back into the late 20's and early 30's. My Uncle told me they were there before he was born and he was born 1931. I wished I had a picture! I think I've loved sparkly glass ever since. I feel badly that I'm so bad with names, faces I'm very good at - even details. I have to admit that I'm getting better with the names though - I hope -- I think! LOL
I did have a wonderful time - I ate and snacked way to much and loved watching movies with my Mom - which we don't ever get to do. On leaving the area I was going through Springdale heading out to the turnpike. As I got to Cheswick (all in like a 5 mile radius or less) I thought to myself, I never got a picture of the house my grandpap built in the early 40's. I didn't know the address but I knew it was in the area. Also, I've wanted to see it for years and never took the time to do so.
I quickly called Dad and I told him the road I was on and it was as he was sitting in the truck with me giving directions. He lived in AZ for almost 40 years and hadn't been back this way even for a visit! But, something changed - the name of the street where the house sat had been changed also the farm behind some of the houses is now a subdivision. But it was there and what was easy it is the only high pitch roof around. I was so happy to see that the house and ground were taken care of. My grandparents would be happy also. Not so much where the old pillars were located, that area used to have my great-grandparents farm with a few relatives living close by - there home is long gone as the pillars and in place are houses that are poorly kept.
If I could have I would have stopped in and thanked the people for taking such good care of the house with the high pitched roof. Maybe next time!
Isn't it something that we can remember even the smallest detail of things that are important to us?
Scripture tells us that God knew us even before we were born into this world,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:16
Also in - Jeremiah 1:5
I can not even comprehend how much the Lord loves us and how important we are to Him. Even the very hairs on our head are numbered!
Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:7
I pray you have a blessed day and week to come and I pray the Lord will give you insight to what is truly important in your life.
What a wonderful post for today! I say it often, but you are amazing. What street was the house on that your grandpap built? My dad grew up in Springdale on School Street and that is where he met my mom in second grade.
I took the bag you made me to church today with all of my children's message goodies in it. I told the kids (and all of the adults who were in the congregation) that you made it and that I will be bringing it every week to church because it is so special.
Thank you Becky - The house is on Parkway and I think it used to be Birch but I'm not real sure. You would drive up the hill on Pillow.
I'm glad you like the bag and you're to kind. :D
Doesn't it do you wonders just to get away, even if only for a weekend! You go back home refreshed and ready to start in anew! I'm glad you got a chance to go back and spend time with friends and family. It sounds like a wonderful time.
I am glad you had a nice time. Funny you mention those colored glass. I remember trying to pic them off those pillers. I was so young yet I recall them like it was yesterday. I have to re-read your post I may be confused. Were those pillers by Grams house or somewhere else.. If they were somewhere else not sure how I recall them, but I do. They have entered my memory so much. WHat were they for ??
The pillars were on the hill side toward the project. Remember the field if you'd look toward the old farm house they would be toward the right.
The farmers (before the Dobricks /not sure of sp.)had them, I think for something pretty we all could talk about and share! LOL Ready I think it was an entrance to there place. Apparently they had pigs and a kennel for dogs -so I've heard. I wished I had a picture I'll have to check into it. Vik
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