September came to a full-fast close (that's when I started this post :/), October is gone and Autumn has been in full swing- soon to end. November is done with Thanksgiving over and now its December! Do you wonder where the time goes? Surprising enough autumn ends in December but, the leaves are gone from most of our trees.
Oh~ How I love the smell of leaves;
In Autumn as they're changing color.
The crisp cool feeling of the night,
And, warm sunny days so bright!
Even the desert sings of "Autumn!"
Cool crisp mornings from the open skies at night.
Warm days, sunny and bright.
Full of color and smells of Autumn. VB-2010
Where does it go? The time just flies by whether it's a good day or bad. Whether it's full or empty; happy or sad. Several mornings back was our first taste of this season coming to a close and old man winter is on it's way. Our mountain had that look about it, with its dark clouds hovering and the smell of cool moisture was in the air. You knew apple season was over with more frosty nights on the way.
We all have our seasons in this life, roads we travel, journeys we're on, learning and hopefully growing. With all that I've been doing this past year, I've missed quiet times; restful days not packed full - with everything. As the days seem to run together my time seems busier - "I guess my husband was correct about this becoming seasonal posting!" But it was never my intention and a time I miss. There are times when I have so much to share and I can't seem to stop long enough to write it down - loosing much of my thoughts. From the lack of time I've even changed this post several times in an attempt to keep it current and making some sense (lol). My brother likes using this saying "Poop Accrues!" I think its his way of avoiding some things, though honestly, I feel as though I'm dumped on more than my share. Haven't you had days when you just didn't think you'd make it through?
Previously I shared that we had been going through a time in our lives that many have experienced and frankly none would want to. Through all these times God has supplied for every need that we've had and some.
"And I will cause showers to come down in their season, they will be showers of blessing." Ezekiel 34:26
But we've been on this particular journey for what seems like an eternity - this road we've been traveling only 4 to 5 years now, has been a hard rough road to travel. With unexpected twists and turns sprinkled blessing here and there; with the Lord ever by our side~
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6 I've always like to continue with the following verse of importance - And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. v7.
The above verses are so true and should be taken to heart. Be anxious for nothing - much of the time I'm good, my husband may beg to differ, but sometimes when you are going through things that don't seem to go away - it can make it difficult and sometimes unbearable.
When my husband lost his job - and I know many can relate that's one thing. But with his illness / disability went kicking into full gear; we found ourselves facing the reality of loosing our home and more. He tried getting his consulting business running again, as well as, looking for other work - no go. I had an in home business myself but it never brought in enough to make a difference. I even found a job outside of our home but it wasn't bringing in enough; I shortly ended up leaving the job to put more effort in our packing while getting rid of things you accumulate over the years. It was a tough road to travel, we did what I could while we tried to sell our home but lost it anyway in-spite of our efforts.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6
We did manage to stay in our home for about two years during this season, packing and selling everything of value doing what we could, seeking the Lord and his direction always. People will tell us just leave~ But, when you don't have money, you can't stay and you can't leave. Though, God's timing was/is always perfect. His GRACE is everything ~ Amen
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. v7.
That leads us to today. It's been a year since we left our home in OH and not being able to move back into our little house in NM we lost that as well; we found ourselves moving back to AZ and in with my dad. For which we are grateful. Do you think God knew what he was doing guiding us in this direction? I do~ Though my husband has been in and out of the hospital - back and forth to the VA for doctor appointments (we do believe God has healed him, we are just waiting for the manifestation to take place) and the continually day to day things called life that keeps me on the move and sum. Recently, I asked the Lord how much longer? Though I'm trusting you I'm tired and I don't know how much longer I can do what I'm doing! I'm still living with boxes as if I'm moving! When Lord - I would like my life back!
Yes, that was me not to long ago and really what I've wanted to share, the reason I've been trying to write this post. I heard a voice, it was God saying to me after I was crying out, "My grace is sufficient for you." It was gentle, loving and to the point. And just what is His grace? The dictionary gives many definitions I like these:
The freely given, unmerited favor and love of God; the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them and the condition of being in God's favor or one of the elect. And what is sufficient? "Enough," to meet a need or purpose; adequate - nothing more is needed it is enough~ I was allowing myself to become anxious when I knew God always blessed us and supplied our every need.
Things are hard out there - there's no denying it - God is there for me/you, His grace is sufficient for those who have received his gift of salvation and have a relationship with Him. If you don't know God and need a miracle in your life ask him in your heart. Get into a good Bible believing fellowship, He will shower you with blessing as you travel that desert road in your season. I will be forever thankful~
As for the clip I love fall and listening to the sound of George Winston, enjoy~
Oh~ How I love the smell of leaves;
In Autumn as they're changing color.
The crisp cool feeling of the night,
And, warm sunny days so bright!
Cool crisp mornings from the open skies at night.
Warm days, sunny and bright.
Full of color and smells of Autumn. VB-2010
Where does it go? The time just flies by whether it's a good day or bad. Whether it's full or empty; happy or sad. Several mornings back was our first taste of this season coming to a close and old man winter is on it's way. Our mountain had that look about it, with its dark clouds hovering and the smell of cool moisture was in the air. You knew apple season was over with more frosty nights on the way.
We all have our seasons in this life, roads we travel, journeys we're on, learning and hopefully growing. With all that I've been doing this past year, I've missed quiet times; restful days not packed full - with everything. As the days seem to run together my time seems busier - "I guess my husband was correct about this becoming seasonal posting!" But it was never my intention and a time I miss. There are times when I have so much to share and I can't seem to stop long enough to write it down - loosing much of my thoughts. From the lack of time I've even changed this post several times in an attempt to keep it current and making some sense (lol). My brother likes using this saying "Poop Accrues!" I think its his way of avoiding some things, though honestly, I feel as though I'm dumped on more than my share. Haven't you had days when you just didn't think you'd make it through?
Previously I shared that we had been going through a time in our lives that many have experienced and frankly none would want to. Through all these times God has supplied for every need that we've had and some.
"And I will cause showers to come down in their season, they will be showers of blessing." Ezekiel 34:26
But we've been on this particular journey for what seems like an eternity - this road we've been traveling only 4 to 5 years now, has been a hard rough road to travel. With unexpected twists and turns sprinkled blessing here and there; with the Lord ever by our side~
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6 I've always like to continue with the following verse of importance - And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. v7.
The above verses are so true and should be taken to heart. Be anxious for nothing - much of the time I'm good, my husband may beg to differ, but sometimes when you are going through things that don't seem to go away - it can make it difficult and sometimes unbearable.
When my husband lost his job - and I know many can relate that's one thing. But with his illness / disability went kicking into full gear; we found ourselves facing the reality of loosing our home and more. He tried getting his consulting business running again, as well as, looking for other work - no go. I had an in home business myself but it never brought in enough to make a difference. I even found a job outside of our home but it wasn't bringing in enough; I shortly ended up leaving the job to put more effort in our packing while getting rid of things you accumulate over the years. It was a tough road to travel, we did what I could while we tried to sell our home but lost it anyway in-spite of our efforts.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6
We did manage to stay in our home for about two years during this season, packing and selling everything of value doing what we could, seeking the Lord and his direction always. People will tell us just leave~ But, when you don't have money, you can't stay and you can't leave. Though, God's timing was/is always perfect. His GRACE is everything ~ Amen
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. v7.
That leads us to today. It's been a year since we left our home in OH and not being able to move back into our little house in NM we lost that as well; we found ourselves moving back to AZ and in with my dad. For which we are grateful. Do you think God knew what he was doing guiding us in this direction? I do~ Though my husband has been in and out of the hospital - back and forth to the VA for doctor appointments (we do believe God has healed him, we are just waiting for the manifestation to take place) and the continually day to day things called life that keeps me on the move and sum. Recently, I asked the Lord how much longer? Though I'm trusting you I'm tired and I don't know how much longer I can do what I'm doing! I'm still living with boxes as if I'm moving! When Lord - I would like my life back!
Yes, that was me not to long ago and really what I've wanted to share, the reason I've been trying to write this post. I heard a voice, it was God saying to me after I was crying out, "My grace is sufficient for you." It was gentle, loving and to the point. And just what is His grace? The dictionary gives many definitions I like these:
Things are hard out there - there's no denying it - God is there for me/you, His grace is sufficient for those who have received his gift of salvation and have a relationship with Him. If you don't know God and need a miracle in your life ask him in your heart. Get into a good Bible believing fellowship, He will shower you with blessing as you travel that desert road in your season. I will be forever thankful~
As for the clip I love fall and listening to the sound of George Winston, enjoy~
Wow! Your life has definitely had it's turns. But your courage and determination to continue with God is a huge blessing to me.
Continue on!!
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