Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Self-Examination ~

Today as I look at our country it's almost unrecognizable hard look at the hatred, we all have been witnessing.  Hatred has been in this world for a long time.   From the beginning of time in fact.  Directing hatred toward one person, party, or others while giving an excuse or thinking we have good reason to do so is sadly wrong.  We had better do a heart check a self-examination if you will on where problems start. 

Where you direct your attitude of the heart should tell you, you may have gone where you need fixing.  What is it in you that needs repaired?  Please don’t point at others looking at their faults or sins with what we need fixed ourselves. 

Again, nothing new yet still so sad as hatred feeds off hatred.  When have you not said or done something, even in secret?  Just because you disagree or dislike someone why do you or would you even succumb to the very level you have accused them?  What then?  So, you say it’s justified, and yet can't see yourselves as doing the same. And are we taking into account that we are being fed by those in media that are peddling falsehoods? And really as if we are perfect ~

There are so many verses in the Bible that share exactly what we are living and seeing today.  So I’ve chosen one to share.  In Luke chapter six one of the talking points of Jesus, while speaking with the twelve Apostles was in judging others, though prior to this in the same chapter was on love for enemies.  On judging others Jesus talks of not condemning and forgiveness (basically the same can visit us).  But the point to zero in on is this .  .  .  For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:45 NIV  Another translation would be abundance.

Jesus was using the analogy of a good tree or healthy tree not being able to bear both good and bad fruit. He shared this to show what is stored up in the human heart.  He stated that each tree is recognized by its own fruit.  How a good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart just as a bad or evil man the condition of his.  Man representing persons - you, me, man, woman, and child.  What do you see stored in yours?  FOR OUT OF THE OVERFLOW OF HIS HEART HIS MOUTH SPEAKS!  Yes, in the most recent ideology of “pollical” correctness; I’m shouting! :)

A good cross reference would be Mark 7:20 stating - - Jesus went on to say - - “What comes out of a man is what makes him unclean.  For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly.  All these evils come from inside and make a man unclean.”   More than one verse ok – but you get the point.  We all fall short and in need self-examination.  A reminder here not one of us is perfect by any means. We talk a lot about choices in this life how we live, our responses are also choices.  Out of the abundance does one speak. . .  So, what say you? 

I think it’s time to wake up and not be led around by the BS of this worlds garbage and I’m not talking about living in a bubble but let’s truly start to look at forgiveness.  How about by trusting the Lord and allowing Him to point out those things we need mended, starting first with ourselves. I think we all can agree we can't change others but ourselves do and through this just maybe made a big difference in others in what they view in us.   Let’s not feed off the hatred but move forward in love, walking in a manner that is pleasing to someone who see all from above.   VB 8/28/19

On a lighter side and for Star War fans – one that I am -here’s a clip I think shares my point.  Luke confronts the evil emperor and in the end choice wise.  :) 

A final thought - Don't look to others for what we have to change in ourselves ~ Vicky

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