I'm so glad I thought of starting a pot of Posole yesterday http://refractedlite.blogspot.com/2008/07/my-posole.html. Even though I heard of it living in New Mexico; I only had Posole once. And that was when we were at Mr and Mrs Bakers who lived down the road from us. What is Posole you might ask? Well it's Hominy. To my surprise there's many different recipes out there for Posole stew. Mexican, Indian (Native), even made with red or green chilies. You can use pork, beef or chicken. You can also get white, born or yellow posole. I do know that Henry used green chilies and pork. And being that I never made it before or even had Henry's version. I search the net. That's how I found out there's many different ways to to make it. So I ended up with my own recipe. It will be posted below. I don't know if it will turn out as wonderful as Henry's - I hope so. Mr. Baker is know longer with us, I hope he would have been pleased to know I loved his Posole and him and Vi too.
Since writing this post and actually finishing the recipe at this point. It turned out excellent!
The day didn't turn out bad either. PTL! The yucky start didn't last long at all and I thankful I was able to get things done. While wait for the posole to cook. Awesome. It did take me a long time to post so this is the next day hee hee.
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