Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Discontentment and Restoration ~

We are living in a time where it seems almost unbelievable with everything we are witnessing.  I am not sure words could accurately describe what my heart is feeling from what I see other than heartbreak.  Personally, I do not even have to view with my eyes to be apart of what we are witnessing to experience the ugliness from others by what they say, whether it be from family, friends, acquaintances, or from those you do not even know. 

I have read many articles of recent that depict this very well.  And, I will go as far as saying we all are not likeminded and forming our own opinions from what our focus is on by who we are fed daily.

I had a conversation years ago, well it was more a back and worth dialog on Facebook, that had to do with games so to speak people play on media outlets.  It was years ago but the gist of it was how we view ourselves through these games and for some who have a pour view of themselves, does this not reinforce what is already there and how can this be helpful even if just a game? As an example, if a person has poor self-esteem - rather a low opinion of themselves, continuing to focus on how you think about yourself through hearing and seeing, you continue to believe it to be true since it is reinforcing how you already see yourself.  I used to think of myself in negative ways and because I felt this way I made very wrong choices.  I believed the lies. I had to chose to renew how I thought of myself. 

How you think, whether you see yourself as valued or worthless, is what you believe.

Now keeping this in mind, I can't think of one person that disagrees with me that has not said, "Everyone has a right to their own opinion."  However, I will say mine is of no value to others unless I agree with the hatred of what we are witnessing. To me it is a telltale sign of where their heart is, that needs renewed. What you think is what you believe.

Over the years I have shared with others as others me the importance of putting others first.  I have always tried to live by this verse; Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit [empty pride]. Rather, in humility value others above [more important than] yourselves. Philippians 2:3 NIV [Berean]

Each of you should look not only to your own interest, but also to the interest of others. . Philippians 2:4 BSB

I suppose I am sharing this for though I may not agree with a persons views or opinions I care enough about the person to at least look at what they are sharing with me.  I will open that email and read what is sent - I will even go as far as saying, I actually tune in and listen to the State of The Union, that press conference, that rally, town hall - whether Democrat [liberal, progressive, globalist, socialist], Libertarian, or Republican [conservatives].  I do this so I can hear it from the horses mouth so to speak and NOT bits and pieces fused together from someone else who has a bias formed opinion that doesn't like what others might represent or how they were taught to see the other. It was or has been said people are taught to be racist.

Earlier this year I commented on a post regarding Black Lives Matter, I'm guessing here around the first week of June most when the rioting started taking place.  Peaceful protesters were lawfully expressing their discontent as we the people, citizens - Americans have the right to do so.  I listened to many speaking on behalf of George Floyd who sadly dead by what looked like the hand of someone most of us grew up as a go to person when you need help, not questioning there wasn't cause for him to be approached, we don't all know what really went down and as it looked very hard to take. I believe all Americans were outraged by what they viewed. I still believe this, however, I do not agree with lumping everyone in uniform together with one who does or appears to do something wrong or who has to makes a serious judgement call.  I would say that about anyone, as I do not agree with being lumped together in a category that is untruthful. This was my comment:

To God - All lives matter. I have given my life to the Lord over 40 years ago and I was also taught that everyone matters- every life.  I DID NOT grow up a racist, NOR am I. We have been witnessing this type of rioting over the past several years. When Mr. Obama was in 8 years of nothing and much the same was seen. My heart grieves for all people who suffer under the hand of evil.  What you are witnessing is coming out of the hearts of man showing what is already there; it doesn't matter the color.  How is what's happening helping? - With rioters destroying peoples livelihoods (any color here), beating people young and old, killing people young and old, purposely keeping help from getting where it needs to be, burning people out, a lawlessness that needs to stop from all those who plot evil -Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy. Proverbs 12:20. People have, INCLUDING African Americans, lost their dreams and livelihoods also from lawless rioters.  Peaceful protesters - law abiding citizens who have already been through so much only to be brutalized from others that are using the injustice of what happened to Mr. Floyd as a tool to destroy.  Satan himself is having a field day! And everyone seems to be jumping on the wagon.  There are always options and vengeance is Gods!  To see people in authority come out and submit, to see people kneel out of fear and submit to this is wrong just like it is to blame every police officer for those that are bad.  What about all the injustice.  . .? I can't begin to say I have walked in someone else' shoes nor they or you, mine.  I know who has though and if He lives in my heart-  I am to love everyone.  To see what is happening my heart is broken for everyone, especially George Floyds family and the family of the officers involved.  Many things start from good intentions and something seems to crept in taking it hostage to another place where all good intentions are lost and evil abounds. I can honestly say I have always cared about others and value human life though I might not agree with what they do, God does not show favoritism- Act 10:34  and, all of us can do better however, the only knee I will be getting on is in humbling myself before God who created us all in His likeness and pray for Him to heal this land. I have read this several times and unless I am missing something from what I have shared I cannot see the reason it was deleted by the one posting.  But be that as it may I chose to respond to the delete trying to understand then the post was deleted too.  I had no intention of being disrespectful to others posting if that were the case. Does this fall under we all have a right to our own opinion as adults to be able to be adults agreeing to disagree? The reason I commented to begin with was in response to what others responded,  all lives matter and another no lives matter unless black lives do, something to that effect.  I grew up that Jesus loves the little children and all the children of the world.  .  . My bestie as you would say today was an African American who I loved dearly and who lived in the project next to us, a project that had all walks of people and color, I had many friends who lived there. My best friend put herself through college and onto a career as head of a division of  L'Oreal - and I couldn't be more proud of my childhood friend.

Do I know what it is like to be black?  This is something I stated while speaking with my cousin Mary after sharing with her how hurt I was seeing what is happening with all the hatred even being lumped into a category myself from a family member.  Do I know what it is like to be black? No - nor do I know what it is like to be Hispanic or Asian, Native American, European and or anything else other than who God created or planned me to be.

However, I do know what it is like to: be bullied, to be beat up, brokenhearted, be rejected, almost die, almost loose a baby, be de-valued, go without, loose a home (2), have a vehicle repossessed over half paid for, be accused of theft, be lied to, watch my husband suffer with a illness for years...years then see him die at 56, almost lose a son from wrong choices and another with a virus attacking his heart then to have a bacterial infection shortly after attack his lungs...I know what it's like to be a victim and almost a statistic, I know what it feels like to walk up to say hello to someone you love only to have that person turn their back to you.. unjustly investigated, I know the meaning of unfaithful. . .being poor and having much only to see it taken away -- HARDSHIPS. I am most certain I could think of more that I have experienced but those were just off the top. I also am not able to share that which might hurt someone else, so I choose to keep much to myself and the Lord. Boy I am so thankful I have the Lord!

No, I don't know what it is like to be a different color than what I was born.  Does my skin color really make a difference in suffering? My husband once told me that he would never judge a person by what pain they said they were in. Jim was often judged by how he looked to the pain he was in, maybe those people might have been more merciful in their judgement seeing him using a walker or wheelchair though I doubt it. Over and over I see what is in the heart mankind. God points this out in His word and it exposes the darkness of evil. The evil we are witnessing is at an unnatural level of hatred that is being expressed, even for just one person its more of a supernatural hatred that has taken over and anyone that seems to show it for what it is slammed. But God is exposing all things that are not from Him. 

What does this, how you see yourself effect what we are witnessing in this country? Our minds are amazing in what they learn and remember, it needs fed to prosper and keep your whole being healthy, mentally, physically and spiritually.  

This country - our country and globally is under attack and this is a concern, whether it is by those in Government working hard at changing our Constitutional freedoms, forcing unjustified mandates for political gain, heartily excepting lawlessness over our religious freedoms, rejoicing in what God would say is a stench in His nostrils. People do believe lies.

Even Hitler said "If you tell a lie big enough and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." This is what social media has been doing.

People believe what they are fed most and after a while they come to not just except it - they become prejudice in their thoughts with it in which it keeps people divided as with one being a victim the another privileged. As we continue to see the brokenness of families and the lawlessness in our towns or cities, people are in need of hope. Though all I hear from some that should have Americans best interests upfront only seem to keep them in a hopeless condition and the state of fear. Instead of seeing the importance of our religious freedoms that would bring hope they seem to keep a vested interest in gatherings that stem lawlessness and harm. Not that I enjoy quoting someone so horrifically evil but Hitler used the tactics we see used today. 

"The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence." And lastly, " How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Adolf Hitler

There is no question restoration in the hearts of man is needed and desperately. In 1987 James Robinson sent out a booklet, very nicely bound on Restoration. I will end this post with a brief thought at the beginning of this value little booklet of wisdom.  

    RESTORATION is the word most often heard from the pulpits of America. It is used in reference to homes, marriages, families, individuals lives, public figures, ministers, ministries and seems appropriately applicable to all within our complex society.
    It seems to be more appropriate than the old terms, "rehabilitation," and even "revival." It is used in reference to those who have fallen under the crushing hand of alcohol, drug addiction and other substance abuse, as well as moral failure, public and economic collapse, domestic and foreign failures.
    We are talking about the restoration of traditional values, of constitutional soundness, economic stability and above all, spiritual life from a Biblical perspective.
    It is my personal conviction that restoration is more than a word. It is in fact the very purpose of God in our day. It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. . .it is the hope of mankind and the eternal will of our sovereign God. James Robinson

From a child to a now older person I have watch over the years the strategic removal of God's presence from the very place that the pilgrim sailed over the rough seas to have. I have listened to the changes that have taken place with those voted in that are no longer hiding the power grab they desire and to keep you from hope that the Lord would desire you to have. What our Founding Fathers fought hard for your independence with a timeless Constitution that protects all Americans' rights and freedoms. Not to be abused by those in Government -  not to be changed or removed.

These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity (servants of corruption) - for man is a slave to whatever has mastered him. 2 Peter 2:17-19 ESV

So what do you believe?

God extends His hand of grace to you much like that of someone handing you a gift or a helping hand. But, you have to reach for it. Praying that all who read this will be strengthened for the times ahead but most of all you come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior not as in a religion - as in a relationship. VB

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