Monday, November 9, 2020

From Everlasting to Everlasting ~

When I was much younger I always believed there was God. Somehow I just knew. I did not grow up necessarily in a religious home though I did, along with my younger brother, attend church with my Gramma Baker. I guess this is why I have a hard time comprehending, yes wrapping my thoughts around, how others chose not to acknowledge the existence of God or the belief of a grand creator a designer of all things. Even at this very young age sitting in our field I asked, Where did you come from God?" I was curious as every child but then came to thinking stop asking He just is! :)  I honestly do not believe anyone ever told me anything about God's existence- how He came to be. I just came to the conclusion He just is. Maybe the story of Moses as when Moses asked, "who should I say sent me? And, God said I AM" . . Exodus 3  I have been good with my choice, there had been only two other times I asked. I was a teenager and struggling - He came to my aid and again when I asked Him into my heart forever.

I suppose what caused me to think about this, how people can question God's existence - everyone has been so highly stressed with fear from all they are seeing - wondering what is to come of them and our world - our beautiful America. 

Early one morning I looked at the stars.

The beautiful sunrise that was coming - 

claiming the horizon.

The day was beautiful with a sweet breeze and warmth of the sun.

And, as I looked into the sky a dragon fly landed on my hand.

VLB 11/6/2020

No my friend it is not hard for me to believe there is a creator a Father in heaven, a God that loves me-us. It is such a blessing to me to have an assurance that I just know that it will be well with my soul no matter what is to come. Much as when I was very young and just knew God was God. Sure sometimes I am swept into the world of concerns though I choose not to stay. I heard this said Saturday, "How you feel now is based on who you are trusting." Greg Wark 

Who are you trusting today? 

"From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can snatch anyone out of my hand. No one can undo what I have done." Isaiah 43:13 NLT

Everlasting - lasting or enduring through all time: ETERNAL - continuing for a long time or indefinitely. -- Continued without intermission, perpetual, ENDLESS, TIMELESS - Always and FOREVER ~

I just now received this to enjoy with a reminded promise God does not renege on His Word. He does exactly what He says. He keeps His promises no matter what you are believing or who you place your trust in. Everything that was written, everything that has been spoken, we are witnessing everyday, in this- I have the confidence His Word is true - trustworthy and this gives me peace. Shalom ~

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