Friday, September 25, 2020

Our Traveling Book ~

Years ago I fell in love with a sweet little girl of four that lived next door to me. She became a big part of our lives in Ohio.  When it was time for us to leave I planned to stay connected with our little girl who now was a young teen. My husband also thought the world of her and we spent many mornings having breakfast together. I miss that. 

Part of staying connected was in written form. I heard an idea and thought I would try this in booklet form it was actually traveling journals. I started by writing to her and she would send a response.  This is something I thought would also help with writing when she returned to school. The plan was to continue with the little booklets and once all filled or when we stopped she would have a collection of correspondence of many loving thoughts.

I found one of the booklets today and so happy I did.  I would like to share one entry from me with you.

September 2010 ~

Dear Monica,

I thought that I would start a new one to send.  Now, 3-24-11 Thursday BOY did I get sidetracked ~  I did have something in particular I wanted to say way back in September. I’m sorry I didn’t get the message sent- I did pray though. 😊 Here was [is] the message and it is one to think on for other times that might be a hard time you’re going through.

“We al have struggles even at a young age like yours!” Even though I’m older I still remember being your age; I just wished that when I was 14 I knew more of what I know now.

“It’s a learning process.” I am trying hard to finish my thought LOL HEE HEE HA HA!

Now April 14.  Like weeds in your yard – no one wants them but even weeds serve a purpose.  Look at dandelions – to many clumps of mess! But the roots aerate the ground- getting much needed oxygen in so – you have a healthier soil. It’s also good for you “foodie wise,” though I’m not talking about that.

When we go through something- a sadness, maybe hurt feelings, or like something that we see as unfair. It is unpleasant but it can work out to be a good thing in the long run.  We learn about loving and forgiveness, and other fruits of the Spirit you’ve been learning about in Galatians 5:22-23.

We learn a lot about our self by how we respond to things and by how we trust and have faith in God. Weeds in our lives can be used for good even if only to dress up a little traveling book. I love and miss you sooooo much!!  

Romans 8:28 And we know God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. NLT

Remember God isn’t causing the bad to happen but He will turn it around for the good!! Yippee.

“It’s all a bit choppy and lacks a good flow.” I’ll do better next time and not take so long to finish. Love ya


This word holds true today as well.  A good lesson for all of us in which I hope to share with a few other sweethearts of mine. I’m so happy I found this little traveler and will be placing it in the mail a keepsake with the others. Vicky

The booklets were cheap but the love and memories are priceless ~


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