I am well between posts - as I try to finish one I started in June there seems to be many interruptions, a project in the works, and to many thoughts to share. None of which are necessarily an interest to anyone perse but is therapeutic to me. Today what is being shared came to me this morning that could go with one of two title's "From Where I Stand" or the chosen above.
There are two things I do. With one of the two not as much as I should, it is also the most important of the two as well as a command. Both are smart to do and important, only one is more and comes with a promise. One I do every four years the other should be daily.
For most Americans or avid voter you should guess one and for a Christian - fellow believer two would be a good guess with one being a given.
As an American we have been given the right to vote into office those who would govern us based on the Constitution that our Founding Fathers had written in full light and wisdom seeing into the future if you will what could happen if these rights would be stripped or altered in such a way that we as Americans would loose our freedoms that had been wrought into place. Were these men without faults? Probably not. Were they all followers "Christians?" Possibly not. They did recognize a creator and the inalienable rights of Americans and their freedoms - freedoms sought out by the pilgrims which caused them to sail across the vast ocean of the unknown filled with a hope. Our "inalienable rights" are rights that are not transferable or capable of being taken away or nullified, according to the US Constitution or the Legal Dictionary which ever one might prefer but they are under attack by those to change it.
For myself I would like to look better at our rights as Americans and I certainly do not want them taken away or altered in anyway. As far as the Constitution being out of date with today's world I would disagree. As well as, today's issues with those that wrote the Constitution from groups destroying parts of history, and stating they were of unsavory character maybe. But the Constitution was fashioned for ALL Americans and is their rights as Americans. God in His infinite wisdom can use whoever He so deems for His purpose. Like- if He can use and ass to speak to Balaam for Balaam could not see where God was diverting him on his path, so God used Balaam's ass (donkey). The donkey would pull in the direction he was to go and Balaam would beat him! Three times the ass would veer off the path and he would be beaten. But the third time it happened God cause the donkey to speak audibly to get Balaam's attention. You can read this in Numbers 22:23. Frankly you could ask yourself who was being the ass here? How many times does God try to get your attention? My attention? Sometimes it's just a matter of really seeing. I love the quote, "Eyes that look are common but eyes that see are rare." Kim Clement
The one thing I do, When voting I look at the policies and issues supported of those running for whatever office - voting for those that best stands for the values I have. I DO NOT vote out of hatred as we see happening today or preferred party from years of family voting always one way. I have always tried to go with who best supports my values mostly how it lines up Biblically or Constitutionally. So far all that I have been witnessing is hatred and such hatred that as much as I have asked, usually after being slammed or for a lack of being able to answer, just another post with an article of hate, nothing positive or answering the question. No one can seem to tell me why I should vote for their candidate of choice. I have asked them to convince me?--- Nada!
I have posted issues that are important to me, as The Right to Life. This is just one of many but if I had to pick one - I would in NO WAY knowingly vote someone into a position of leadership that did not support The Right to Life. Do not insulted people by saying you care for the innocent or come across as religious while thinking this would be acceptable in His eyes or try to justify your thinking by quoting verses out the Bible that you believe support this view. If you believe in a creator and God as the creator - He created us to have free will to make our own choices but do not presume He is in all acceptance with your choices. If we in fact were created in His image . . . . riddle me this WHERE DO BABIES FIT IN?
So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27 NKJV This would be mankind a word not acceptable anymore it seems.
This country has devalued human life. So why is there any surprise with how others are treated by what we are viewing today? Isn't time that we stop trying to pulled God into our little minds and what we think is acceptable. Our thoughts are NOT His and what we think is all good is not the same or even close to what He thinks. To often this comes out in how we view policy as it does in how we are able to walk in love and forgiveness or hatred.
As I am trying to stick with my thoughts here. Voting those who support your values and what you hold dear is how it should be done. Saying you just hate President Trump, yes president as he is, is not convincing anyone other than you can hate. I have said this before that what you are witnessing in our country and what you believe Trump is causing, is only surfacing what is already in the person. With some who have taken this hatred to an unnatural hate with evil intent only comes from evil. This evil carries such hatred that anyone associated with the President - or voted for him is treated with such contempt -hatred, forget the phrase that is so widely used, everyone has a right to their own opinions is laughable. I have heard kids that had a different opinion and they - in spite of their differences could agree on something even one thing, they were able to form friendships and have a conversation. Kids!!
Is this president perfect and without fault? NO! None of us are- we are as filthy rags! But as an American I vote on policies. I shared about this a bit here.
So, real quick I will add at least three things that apply directly to me since they are important to me and other Americans than just picking The Right to Life.
The President signed into law three policies that would have made a difference to my now deceased husband - passing at a young age of 56. Holding those accountable, Veterans Choice - no waiting (not the same as when President Obama was in) this was passed even with Pelosi in disagreement, and a big one here - while meeting with the attending resident at the VA, as he was informing us of the "Now that we are no longer going for a cure I would. . ." Let me say that was difficult to sit and listen to! Jim asked, what about trying the new immune therapy? "Well I am sorry but it hasn't been tried on you type of cancer."
Now, they can thank President Trump for signing into law the RIGHT TO TRY! Would that have made a difference? We will never know but Jim had the right to try!!
If you haven't I would take a hard look at the policies you value and how they line up with each candidate. I cannot support anyone that has socialist/communistic ideas or views that had been left on the shores long ago. I believe we need to have boarders and that the term taken out of content "nationalist*" is simply putting your country first - it's time we do so. Those who hate Trump say he's a white nationalist, there are many who disagree and I am one. Honestly, we can not begin to take care of others coming here illegally when our own people are suffering. And, we do help a lot. I have heard stories from many people who entered this country legally who are seeing the vary things that destroyed theirs and why they are extremely concerned from what they seeing. They can hardly believe it and speak against it.
Anyway, apologies this is long and there is so much more I could rant about. :) I will post a link below you can make comparisons. Or just continue on do what you chose. At the moment we still have a freedom to chose. :)
Lastly and the most important "with one of the two not as much I should," that is praying for those in leadership. Aside for the blasting's that I typically get for my beliefs or opinions when someone is ugly about a candidate, let us say any conservative, I suggest praying for them. Not everyone prays but many curse!
I read one time in a book written by Kenneth E Hagin on interceding. The first chapter it talked about interceding for the Nation and one thing he said caught my attention, I thought on it throughout the years, in reference to scripture in 1 Timothy 2 where Paul wrote we should pray "for king, and for all that are in authority." Hagin shared that meant -we are to pray for our government- for those in authority- from the national level down to the local level. He continued, a few of us may be doing this now, but not many. ---and here is what stuck--- If Christians were praying for our leaders, things would not be as they are in our nation.
So my friends how is it that we Americans that are Christians should remove themselves from this command? This has NOTHING to do with the miss use "separation of church and state."
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all goodness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1Timothy 2:1-4 NIV
Can you see the command and the promise? Instead of all of us that are or profess to be a Christian /believer curse the person, try praying, asking God to bless them and give them wisdom. The only ones that can not do so are those that are walking in hatred and unforgiveness. What makes this person different from the one being accused of the same? Sadly, through all, these people can not see the good for repetitively being fed unhealthy doses of propaganda to focus on the bad whether a lie or not. Even Hitler used such tactics, here are a few quotes. "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. Adolf Hitler This quote is especially interesting - "It is a quite special secret pleasure how the people around us fail to realize what is really happening to them." Adolf Hitler It's kind of like the frog in the pot. Or "The greater the crime perpetrated by the leadership, the less likely it is that the people will ever believe their leaders to be capable of perpetrating such an event. Adolf Hitler - How are your career politician's doing in your neck of the woods? And, just a thought here, from the day Trump was elected those in leadership worked hard to remove him even willing to sacrifice our country. He never fit their narrative and he isn't controlled by them. Only those that want to control you would do such a thing and they already had a small taste through this pandemic and the plans they have, they no longer even hide. This is evil in the hearts of man that is surfacing for their purposes.
Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers and overwhelms all transgressions(forgiving and overlooking another's faults). Proverbs 10:12 AMP
I can not hate like that, though I disagree in areas I can not hate or wish harm. Jim always told me I have the gift of forgiveness and maybe I do, I know I needed redemption and was forgiven many times over. How can I not do the same? I love this little quote from a sign at a local church here; "Religion is a man in a new coat, Redemption is a new man in a coat." This is why Christians - true followers of Jesus understand that it is God that changes the person and all things are new. That is your spirit is addressed and changes you, soul is now fighting in you - waging war. You still have your personality and goofy quirks. We still make makes and we still chose but for me God has changed my life and that is why it isn't in me to do as the world do. God said we are to be separate.
I'm praying that we ask for wisdom here looking at the policies and issues that are close to us, not being lead by fear or hatred when we vote for those we choose. Our Founding Fathers did not fight for an oversized government run by those for their own sorted gain with the power to control.
Comparison Summary on Policy This is just one that I found to not just post opinions, there are others out there.
Kenneth E Hagin book is The Interceding Christian for those interested (c)1991
*Nationalist (noun) a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
Hope to see you at the polls! Really ~
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