I have been thinking of sharing this story for a week or so - even longer - I imagine more so since it has been impressed upon many of us to pray. Surely we can agree that prayer is so needed today as we see so much hatred in a world that is crying out for help, some aren't even awear of a remedy - I believe there is one.
Twenty-nine years ago my Gram was a resident of the Care Center located in Safford, AZ. We ourselves recently moved back to Arizona after my husband left the Coast Guard in which we called Safford home for a bit. My Gram at the time no longer recognized us and it was difficult to see that. The one person she did seem to recognize was my youngest son Aaron. Though not him, Gram saw Aaron as her young nephew she cared for many years ago who had the same name and blonde hair. She always had a smile for him (my son) when we visited and always saw my Aaron as Aaron Baker.
Though this post is not about the Care Center or even my Gram per say. It is about something the Lord enabled me to see while she was there that I probably would not have if she hadn’t.
There was a young man who was a resident there around the same time. I would see him sitting in the hall, I would say hello and he would have a slight nod and smile. I believe his name was John Grey who had been in a bad car wreck that landed him in a wheelchair as a quadriplegic, I was told this happened on a prom night, though I am not certain. It was heartbreaking to see someone so young – let alone my Gram.
One Saturday I went in to visit my Gram and as it was a custom
at the Center most of the residents were guided in or wheeled into the
community room for what was scheduled like games, crafts etc. This particular
day had a minister there I had not recognized who seemed to be practicing
or delivering what appeared to be his upcoming Sunday message. I stopped for a
bit to listen as he was sharing the importance of getting out and preaching
the gospel, as I remember. That is what we as believers should be doing;
however, looking out at his audience as a young man sat there unable to even
speak I was heartbroken that this man delivering what I’m sure was a word
needed for the time in his fellowship was not recognizing those in front of
I visited with my Gram then headed back to the house thinking
about what I had witnessed and even grieved to the Lord. This is what I wrote
in my journal September 8, 1989.
Here I Am
Here I am a prisoner;
I’m trapped inside this body.
With a mind and eyes,
Which I can use;
But I can’t reach out to anybody.
While sitting here I look around.
Now how can I be used?
For how can I stand to wipe a tear?
When, I can’t wipe my own.
Here I am a prisoner,
I’m tapped inside this body.
No one knows what to say to me
Or even what to do.
So, how can I be used?
There is a man I hear about,
Who live, long years ago.
They even say He lives today,
He’s someone I should know.
They say He came to set us free:
Those who are captive just like me.
Do you suppose this could be?
What could He do for me?
You see I’m just a prisoner here,
Trapped in here!
Is there really hope for me?
Do you think maybe this year?
This man whose name is Jesus,
Does He have enough love for me?
Is it possible to really be free?
Believing in the one who died for me?
Yes, even in this body my spirit can be free.
Jesus can minister even to someone like me.
Just think FREE!
Even though I can’t get up and go:
I can still help those that don’t know this freedom:
I’ve been shown.
I can pray for all those here today.
They to, can know Jesus in this special way.
VLB September 8, 1989
Not long after the young man was moved to another place. We
moved too and my Gram went home to the Lord, she had prayed with her niece.
I sent what I wrote to my Ohio Pastor and wife after their
son pasted away; he too was also a prisoner in body to a wheelchair, needing around
the clock care since a very young age. Glenda sent it back to me when Jim pasted away.
I thought about that day many times. And, the feeling that
one has, thinking “What can I do?“ when physically not being able to do something.
I certainly know my husband thought that, he lived trapped in his body after he
could no longer push himself, with no physical strength left. He always
prayed but at that time he became one who was in prayer continually, the Lord was his strength. I know he
felt inadequate and at times a failure, he also knew that was a lie an adversary
was using to keep him from praying, praising and thanking God for all He was
doing even though Jim while not able to physically do those things he used to.
Even without a physical handicap we too can be a prisoner in circumstances we
find ourselves in. We do not have to stay there.
If there ever was a time to move in prayer it is now. Prayer
is the one thing everyone can do. You might not be able to gather at our Nation’s
Capital as did Franklin Graham or even at a local college for a prayer rally,
but we all can agree together in prayer for our government, our president, our
country, this election, and anything else the Lord would ask of us to do.
God is a MIGHTY GOD and can move mountains – impossible is
not in His vocabulary. He waits on us-
our prayers -we are a part of this warfare that is taking place we have been
given the authority to bind and loose let’s exercise our faith through those prayers.
Then - just watch what God can do - BELIEVE IT!
Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be
bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again
I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be
done for them by my Father in heaven. For
where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:18:20
Let us continue to offensively move forward - praying at all
times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. Ephesians 6:18 ESV
The photo is of me and Gram at the Care Center. When my gram pasted away I was so concerned that she died without knowing the Lord. I talked it over with my cousin in which she said this to me, “Vicky, do you think I would have let my Aunt Ethel leave this world without knowing Him? That is why I made a special trip to see her and we prayed together and she is with the Lord!” Amen (Another lesson the Lord had for me, for another time). Thou I have to say I am so grateful and many times to tears of joy.
Do not give up or give in to the idea that things are hopeless! God is a good Father and faithful to those who love Him. VB
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