Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Fighting Giants . . .

And when He had removed him (King Saul), He raised up David to be their king; of him He (God) testified and said, "I HAVE FOUND DAVID the son of Jesse, A MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART [conforming to My will and purposes], who will do all My will." Acts 13:22 AMP

Most of us grew up either learning or hearing about David in the Bible - his five stones, sling, and a giant. I thought of that when I was younger and marveled.  Still do ~

Last week, several now :/, as I was walking out the drive to get mail going over all the many things on my mind, glancing down I saw a round stone.  While reaching to pick it up I instantly thought of David slaying the giant with his stones. As I continued walking my thought shifted to how we too have giants we are facing. It was not so much that David had five stones that took out the giant he faced, but David had God behind him - with him, His confidence was in the Lord. Pondering this as something more perhaps the Lord was showing me, I sought out four more. 

Let's start with looking at what God saw in young David. David was just a small boy of a noble family having seven older brothers. He being the youngest tended sheep and it seemed he wasn't of any significance to the family. In fact I have read that youngest in Hebrew implies insignificant - unimportant, the Messenger translation calls David a runt. But God saw something of value in this small boy of insignificance. 

When I think of the time that had been spent out in the fields and pastures alone young David had to have spent many hours looking at God's vast universe wondering and searching God, talking with Him as I did as a youngster - anticipating what he may see - learning in the splendor of God's creation. David had a good heart as he cared and watched over the sheep entrusted to him. God protected David as we read in the Bible from predators, and he learned to trust God as he spent time with Him. David had confidence that he, even young, could boldly take a step-in faith. 

As an adult I recognize the confidence David had - that only he could have with a personal relationship walking with the Lord. David knew that he knew that he knew ~ So our faith, for what we face today in this time and season, has to be totally in tune with the Lord. When God sent Samuel to the house of Jesse to anoint a new king all seven brothers were passed by and God chose David a man after His own heart ~ "The Runt" ~ Never underestimate the value God sees in you.

1 Samuel 13 tells us that Saul acted foolishly not keeping the command that was given him from God through Samuel. Samuel told Saul this and in verse 14 it states, "But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart an appointed him leader of his people, because you have not kept the Lord's command." 

When reading a blog post I hadn't read before the blogger wrote - that most people want to take this phrase as a reference to the moral character of David. As such, David was a man after God's own heart in that he was committed to God's ways and demonstrated fidelity to God's Law. Peter Goeman 

Perhaps as a Jewish youngster and man, David was committed to his faith, following the law and commandments. As for myself, I have always believed David to be that boy as read in the Bible who grew into a man and became King - also a man not without faults. I also believed God in His redemptive love for His people - He had provided a way through that linage of David leading right to the birth of Christ and He (Jesus) would redeem ALL who believe. Redeeming what was lost when a door was opened out of free will [choice] and disobedience thus ushering in the sinful world we see today - and the giants we are fighting. In response to Peter Goeman's quote it is important to note that God has some conditions in our walk David grew up committed to God's word as written and this is not saying David was not facing trials or making mistakes or without faults - he was just a man. I also believe as with Abraham he had a relationship with God as Abraham was considered God's friend and righteous. Isaiah 41:8 and James 2:23 We also can have that relationship with the Father - Jesus himself ~ Even Moses spoke face to face. This was all under the Law, and God provided a way for us to also have a relationship with Him. His GRACE.

There always will be that giant we face; we are living in a fallen world that's pretty ugly out there, but God is doing amazing things on our behalf. One condition we have is to accept His gift for that relationship with Him. David had a relationship through the law and presented sacrifices but also with spending time with Him alone, we read this in Psalms. Jesus fulfilled the Law by becoming the ultimate sacrifice that we no longer need to bring as David. However, to walk with the Lord and to do His will we are to died to ourselves daily. Basically put Him first in our lives.

There is a difference between doing what is right and what is popular. ? quote I heard.

Don't allow fear to keep you from that which you know to do. As David he had confidence that God would recuse him and keep him.  God had a plan for David to fulfill and God has one for all of us. We surely need to exercise our faith trusting Him in ALL things adding here working out our own salvation Philippians 2:12 and walking in a manner that is pleasing to Him Colossians 1: 10.

I believe God's GRACE was with David as in 1 Chronicles 17:7-10 tells of how God took David from being a lowly shepherd placing him as prince over God's people Israel and was with David wherever he had gone, cutting off his enemies making him one of the great ones of earth.  We may not use stones and a shepherds sling. We have something far greater to slay those giants we face that we don't necessarily see with our natural eyes. We also have God's GRACE ~ 

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV

* Crazy yes I started this January 6, 2021 when I picked up the stones. I was called away off and on throughout March helping my Uncle while ill, [now passed]. So this post has been and on and off [I also love both rocks and fossils - surprising what you can find on a walk, I have a collection of them, ha] You could say I was slaying giants! VB

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV

God has ALL you need for everything you are going through or facing even slaying giants ~

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