They say you cannot always go by your emotions. But when telling a story or an event of the day the emotion(s)* you are feeling help describe the moment you are in when sharing the story and or event. That was me the other day when we seemed to be teased by [with] the hope of rain.
While realizing some areas of the world get what most would say is to much rain, it is no secret that I love the rain. Maybe as I've grown older and living in the southwest, I have acquired a real sense or longing for moisture, refreshing. Actually of most recent I've desired it more; especially when looking at dirt or dealing with dirt circulating in the air with the seemingly endless gusts of wind blowing! You would love having the freshness there is just after a replenishing rain shower. It seems it has been almost a year - maybe even - since it's rained last and we sure could use it. Not so surprising everything on this planet needs water, rain - moisture- that is including the desert. All living things need water. I shared that with my grandson one day and he look surprised and said, "really"?!
How bad does one want it to rain or how much can a person miss it? Well that depends on the person; as for myself, let me share a couple text messages I had that day and is what lead to this post with only sharing the main part.
With a nice warm cup of lavender honey matcha latte ~
Another response was ::::: "Looks dark and grey here but I don't want rain, heading out to have senior pics done. Went down to 10% chance of rain where we will be but to me I think it means we will get it, lol May make for some fun pics."
I responded with "Lets put it this way I was wanting it to rain so badly I got teary-eyed." :/
Mom - lol -- possibly in response to my sisters comment. :)
Me - "Well when you experience a situation where it really hasn't rained since last year you really want it to rain."
So my sis responded with, "I hope you get the rain you need." - I in turn said It passed us by...just a teaser :/
There is something to be said about living in an arid area of the world that make one appreciate the shade of a tree or shrub that grows with little water; what a blessing to all that need it. The mesquites for example provide shade and food - even people use the nutrients this tree provides. I'll leave that for another time. As you need not guest it is very dry out here but not as I've seen it in the past where even a desert plant had shriveled in areas of the state lacking moisture - so sad to see.
I think of rain and much needed moisture as an analogy describing a need one may have spiritually. We all have longings for something greater - better than one might typically have through their own abilities. When you are young your dreams are different - exciting if you will, and as you grow older, your desires change - your dreams can be similar even stay the same with slight alterations over all with a need of refreshing.
As I have tried to finish this post now over a couple weeks or so the one thought that comes to me over and over is a longing I have for more of the Lord in my life. Each day is a new day and a day that you can be refreshed in Him.
I have heard it said that the earlier and later rain that is mentioned in the book of Joel 2 coincides with the climate of Israel. For instance earlier spring rain is light and the later an out pour. Speaking of two major outpourings of the Holy Spirit. Stating the earlier rain fell on the early church as recorded in Acts. The out pouring of the later was stated as falling today on the church worldwide and the Holy Spirit is symbolized by the outpouring of natural rain just like the natural rain in the land of Israel.
I have heard it rains more or less twice a year, I think we in the southwest understand what it is like without the rain as needed just as the need for the Holy Spirit in the life of a follower of Christ. As we may long for the rain we long to be forever with Him ~
*Emotions are something the Lord has given to us and can be a blessing however, using your emotions to share a tale or two and even to describe and event surely is one thing. But can't always rely on them when making the right choices or important decision. As in having a crash on some joker that you clearly should back away from lol that just came to me! :)
Oh and I could change the title though all the many many interruptions to finish. As my sister once said to my she didn't have the luxury of time to blog - lol I'm slowing up in my older age and have way to much going on! Shalom ~
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