Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Margins ~

When we think of margins we might often think of the space around written letters of importance and such, borders. It can also mean a measure or degree allowed an area - space not just around a letter you are writing but also the edge or border of something.  An example given from an online dictionary lists that of an eastern margin of the Indian Ocean. 

Two of our sons had a wonderful 4th grade teacher who was a stickler for learning all there was so that each student would benefit into their adult years. She invested her time with students instilling valued lessons they would use in every day life.  Like when learning about the importance of having margins. She shared how important it was to have margins or allow enough space in between your use of time not just  what was typically expected for your written projects and proper in grammer.

One day my youngest came home and he seemed to enjoy her class. She made sure our young people developed a confedence as they worked out school age problems. She encouraged them to do their best based on their on hard work and not others. If you were stuggling other kids didn't know it and no belittling was allowed. The students all worked hard and also enjoyed learning with many hands on fun.

I believe the parents valued her and she valued us. We all took away many lessons she shared.

I have often thought of the importance of having margins. Taking a little extra time to get from once place to another, planning well. Anymore we see so many in a hurry mode with no joy in what they do. I know I find myself there at times and more than I would like to admit. But I quickly rethink what I'm doing and go about it better.

Of most recent I was sad that I hadn't more time with a sweet lady at church. She hadn't been well and she was a blessing. The last I saw her was at a connect group and the following she had a birthday in which I put together a card I'd made years ago with some chocolate.  I kept looking for her at church then found she was very ill. When I went to ask her address I found she had pasted away.

Last Wednesday, my group had plans to meet for lunch and since parking is poor at the resturant, the decision was made to meet at church for anyone that would like to carpool. Some were running late, others a no show. I have already planned on leaving the church closer to our designated time for lunch just incase someone showed. I had a margin. 

I had a margin; I was blessed that I did. I used the time to visit with a special person while I was waiting. We talked, though he really wasn't feeling well -  he shared he had been praying for wisdom and that he had COPD, continued on a bit till I had to leave and said I would keep him in my prayers. I'm trusting he got his answer, I can't imagine him not being full of joy now and pain free as he passed away not long after. I found this out the following Sunday. I was stunned with immediate thoughts of margins. 

A cute story about margins ~

One day my youngest got home from school and was going on about his day - all the happenings and what a time he had. He kept on talking about this and that - with all of a sudden saying, "You know Mom, it's just what Mrs. Emory says, virgins are forever!" I had the biggest chuckle he was so cute and had no idea what he really said. I myself had heard Mrs. Emory tell the class, remember - "Margins are forever!" They were fun times, with happy memories, and valued lessons.

"How frail is humanity! 
How short is life, how full of trouble!
We blossom like a flower and then wither.
Like a passing shadow, we quickly disapper.
Job 14:1-2 NLT

A person's days are determined;
you have decreed the number of his months
and have set limits he cannot exceed."
Job 14:5 NIV

As with all those who have gone before; my time is also in God's hands and I want to make full use of those margins.

Do you have margins? Let's make the most of everyday by utilizing those margins to bless others. To be blessed. Above all to please and bless the Lord. 

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