Tuesday, September 17, 2024


September 16, 2024

We heard it was coming, that much-anticipated rain. But when? Monsoons you might ask, why yes for in the desert areas of the southwest it's the desire every moisture loving person, animal, bird, bug and plant long for. Even every creeping creature all long for moisture that refreshing that replenishes. Last evening the clouds were building to what I hoped would be a monsoonal dream. We had all the excitement of thunder and lightning with the beautiful sound of rain. I hoped it would last.

"Look, God is greater than we can understand. His years cannot be counted. He draws up the water vapor and then distills it into rain. The rain pours down from the clouds, and everyone benefits. Who can understand the spreading of the clouds and the thunder that rolls forth from heaven? See how he spreads the lightning around him and how it lights up the depths of the sea. By these mighty acts he nourishes the people, giving them food in abundance." Job 36:26-31 NLT

There was a time and not so long ago I would have had my camera ready to go capture a shot and at any given time. I was always interested in grabbing shots of moisture especially living here. And, it had been quite a while since I've been able to sit here with a few shots of moisture for posting. The last time I posted about Moisture was September 15, 2014, as you can imagine living in a desert area, if you don't, anticipating the long-awaited rain is something you seem to dream about. I had other shots from my camera several years past only to be lost. This morning's photos were taken from my cell. I thought why not, they weren't too bad - though not the quality of my camera. ;/

The clouds below were building this afternoon we're anticipating that needed rain. We haven't seen close to a real monsoon season in a long while. Or maybe I hadn't notice with the "pinball" machine busy I've been in - maybe a little of both.

He loads the clouds with moisture, and they flash with his lightning. Job 37:11 NLT

I don't think anyone would disagree we all are in need of refreshing. Whether it is to replenish the ground in which you walk or possibly one of a healing or repenting nature. Even King David needed a touch from God, many times.

For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer. Psalm 32:3-4 ESV

He wants to heal the dry parched world and the lives we live. And whether or not we get our rainy season, I'll trust Him for my refreshing. Vicky

Today September 17, 2024
 - it's RAINING :)

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