You could say some might be a bit questionable but to the collector you can see the heart.
Overall, I have collected around 54 that you can see the shape good to okay. Now what to do with all the rocks/stones. Which is it rocks or stones?
I had a discussion with my favorite grandson :) (only) and shared with him what I wanted to do with the lot. I shared that I knew a young girl around his age that was battling a giant. This giant as far as I know is not known. So, I can't say what it is exactly, but it is something that has been making her ill and has been battling for a while. She also likes collecting rocks and told me that her favorite is river rock that she can paint.
She also knows David's faith in God and God's love for her. I think that's where the "heart-shaped" stones come into play. I believe they also represent the LORD Jesus who is our ROCK. The heart simply is God's love.
Is a rock the same as a stone? I read on the internet there seems to be a different answer for many. Here are a few.
Earth Science - Geology a rock is an object and stone are a substance.
Geeks for Geeks - Rocks can range in size from small pebbles to large mountain ranges. Stones are smaller, often hand-sized or smaller.
Quora (in which a gentleman answered on the forum a geologist for 38 years) said Rock is natural material. Stone is rock material used by humans as suggesting - Rocks lie on the ground. When David picks a rock up off the ground and uses it to kill Goliath, we call it a stone. He went on with some other descriptive thoughts, as with rock it can lay beneath the surface but in the end shared it was okay to use the words interchangeably and to just be aware of the subtle differences in language use. Interesting.
I'm hoping my young collector friend will like the stones and put them to a creative use. Maybe I'll be able to post a picture of the outcome! God is also a collector / caretaker of our hearts.
I think I picked up,
All the hearts
You showed me.
I didn’t have to
Look so hard
To see each one
In front of me.
Some are more visible
With there outlined curve,
Smooth and clean.
The rest are hidden,
Embodied with rougher shapes,
Not as pristine. But ~
Still there to see.
O’ Father if I
Could only see
The hearts You’ve
Place before me.
As You see them ~
3.25.24 6:45AM
For me what the ‘heart-shaped’ stones also represent for this post.
I sometimes fail miserably to see what is in front of me. When my eyes are focused on something other than You. I can be deceived thinking I might not be. O’ Father that I would cling and focus ever on You ~ VLB 3.26.24 6:30AM
David used simple stones to slay a giant and it wasn’t just a giant that day. David a small boy had faith and confidence in the Lord to face what was hard for grown men to face because of their lack of _____. I'm sure you can fill in the blank with your own thoughts. We also face giants at times and many of them. I don't imagine it will change soon.
Youngsters today also face giants whether it is an illness, a bully, peer pressure at their schools, media, an unhappy home, lack of nutrition, I'm sure the list could go on awhile. One thing my grandson said to me when he was seven, I like sharing this, when eating something he did care for; he said, "gramma I might not like this, but I'll deal with it!" I told him that is the most grown-up thought for a kid his age, for there were many grow-ups that don't know how to deal with things they might not like. He was pleasantly surprised answering "really!" It was a big deal for him to hear that. :)
Do you have a ROCK to stand on and a stone to use? Do you have faith to exercise as David to slay your giants? Do you know the LOVE God has for you? Do you know sometimes we might fail but to know the LOVE God has for us and His ability with His Holy Spirit in us, mixed with a measure of faith we can take a simple stone to slay our giants.
Much like us, the heart-shaped stones are representative of us - we were all created by God who loves us all. Even with our different shapes and sizes, all our imperfections whether smooth or rough, good or bad days with regrets and failures, there is no difference to how God loves us. We can trust Him with everything His outcomes are ALWAYS the best. Amen
Here is a previous post you might like. Fighting Giants
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