Taken from my personal journal this morning. While visiting my grand-babies, I've placed myself on a routine, sometimes this includes the little one however this morning I was by myself.
I make a point to get out in the morning and walk Harvey (pug), I first get Riley (pug) out to do her business, she is much older now - deaf and can't walk far anymore. After I get her in the house Harv and I go. We walk the loop in the neighborhood.
I make a point to get out in the morning and walk Harvey (pug), I first get Riley (pug) out to do her business, she is much older now - deaf and can't walk far anymore. After I get her in the house Harv and I go. We walk the loop in the neighborhood.
From the time I was wee young I was interested in nature. I've always watched and listened observing all that was around me. - Maybe it was growing up in a time when there wasn't so much tech that captured the minds of children and a simpler time that you truly looked at nature with interest. God instilled this in my heart and the love of learning through His creation.
I'm always learning or gleaning even as He brings things to my memory; what He's shown me before ~ of course you need to be open willing to see.
I've always been like this, observing. My "Pap" said, when I was around four years old, I had perception! As an adult I look at this as a gift the Lord has given me.
What got me thinking of all of this is that coming back from my walk, and sitting on the crest of the house was a catbird. I recognized it as one and immediately it started to sing. Sometimes I can recognize birds by simple twits or in song. As I watched, I quickly remembered I had written a blog post in July of 2009, A Hiding Place that shared what I gleaned from watching Catbirds.
What I'm gleaning from my walk today I'm sharing is how faithful the Lord is in my life. Yesterday I was stressing - I was fighting back how I was feeling. And, the Lord "ALWAYS" is there and He reminds me and inspirers me to observe. Amen ~
He is my hiding place.
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