When I was a kid out having fun in the sixties I never would have imagined a world like I'm seeing today. Of course, when your a kid, you should be thinking and doing things kids would be doing. Growing up I remember having some of the best times ever and what some would say very simple. We were never bored as kids seem to be today. Anyway, I do tend to reminisce about when I grew up and I share some stories to my grandkids about how things were and stories I heard from family.
Today, we are all in a situation that everyone in this country and around the world are having to come to grips with. The fun times as a child have been altered for most and parents are looking at what could be a grim reality for some; not knowing when it will end. Time seems to be at a standstill with shutdowns and stay at home recommendations and many are very ill and in quarantine.
People seem to be having trouble with everything from overwhelming fear to being stuck at home with family. The media hasn't helped with any of this nor has political views whether it be policies or hatred of one. :(
Over the past several days, I've decided to take a different approach with the time that we are dealing with, to encourage others not to get caught up in the junk that isn't helping anyone or them. I started off with a letter to my church family then, begin posting other thoughts for the day that are on my heart. Specifically how I got through many hard times similar to this with God's help and how I know to trust Him in all things. I post them on my church Facebook pages. I do journal a lot and if you have followed my blog you probably read this before how it benefits the person journaling and I would encourage everyone to give it a go.
I wanted to share todays post here hope it will encourage you the reader. VB
Lift your voices
Raise your hands
Spread God’s Love
Throughout this land!
VB 3/23/2020 7AM
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. Psalms 146: 1-3 ESV
By now I’m sure everyone who has been glued to the news heard that the stimulus package had been shot down. FEAR NOT! I’m saying to trust the Lord – place your faith in Him who loves you!! When I was at the point of death dying the Lord sustained me. This is me Vicky saying this not David of old. I laid at home after our youngest son was born – dying. We had no idea what was happening with me, but I kept crying out to the Lord. It’s important to plant scripture into your heart. The verses that I could hear in my thoughts from my heart were that of Psalms 23 - The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Most translations say I shall not want. I like NIV’s I LACK NOTHING . . . I have so many testimonies of what the Lord has done in my life and that of my family. I hold on to that, I know He is faithful ALWAYS! I Love the Lord and I place my trust in Him, I’m saying this with tears – my walk may not be where I’m to be just yet, but the Lord is taking me and I’m trusting Him at His word. The truth is you must be willing to trust Him in all things. You must be willing to say whatever Your will is Lord.
With all the love in my heart I understand what you might be facing and as hard it may be for you -this time in your life is when you need to exercise your faith and trust Him. The more you focus on the bad reports that the world is feeding you it will distort your thoughts and when we think wrong, we believe wrong. I could say fear creeps in, and you are in a helpless spot right where the enemy would have in –making you ineffective for sharing His love. We are in a season in our lives when God light can truly shine for others to see giving them a hope. The world is – as you have witnessed – ugly enough without believers getting caught up into it. Yes, we can be informed without being consumed, and we can pray asking God for wisdom living out this time. We also can share God’s love to others He puts on our path.
Last night I talked everyone into going on a walk. When I was younger my most favorite thing during warmer months was dusk to dark watching the lightening bugs and listening to tree frogs, robins, nature ~ For me there was nothing better. While I’ve been walking the neighborhood in the evenings if you can imagine my excitement! We don’t get to see lightening bugs in Arizona so here in Louisiana I’m enjoying what I see and hear. It brings fond memories of when I was young and playing with my cousins. A couple of things come to mind here, well more but I’ll stick with a couple.
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 1 Corinthians 13:11
It’s time for us to put aside the childish ways in how we interact with those around us. If you (we) have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why, as if you were living in the world, . . . Colossians 2: 20 NASV I would suggest reading chapter 3.
Secondly as those beautiful beetles light up the darkness let the light of the Lord shine through us! We are living in a world that is dark and God is working in that darkness – can you see Him? Lastly be amazed! I didn’t know this but there are different types of lightening bugs / fireflies. The most amazing is called in laymen's terms synchronized fireflies. In the Smoky Mountains of TN people line up to set in that National Park forest and watch an unbelievable light show. This is what people need to see in us! Let us light up the darkness for Jesus! Vicky
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