The weather has been a beautiful start into spring and if you could pick one thing that can be gained from our present situation is that you make the most of it. Get out and enjoy what the Lord has blessed you with. As you can also see social distancing at it's best and frankly to many an eeriness to what might cause you to think of the movie "Left Behind."
I've been posting so much the past twenty or so days, specifically, writing to encourage others during this time a posting on my church Facebook pages, sharing in part on my (FB) page and here.
Yesterday my grandkids and I were out biking and in the picture you can see my grandson who has learned to ride with no hands and he's very good at it! He's also 7 years old and let me tell you I had a difficult time trying to keep up and get a picture of him! I even tried doing a video clip, barely, lol.
My granddaughter who's 3 uses training wheels and just recently had her seat raised but she thinks in part she can do most of what her brother does. Though, she shares uses one or two hands not no hands. :)
Watching them got me thinking of how we learn and grow as believers, moving forward in our walk with God exercising our faith. Specifically what our focus needs to be on. Him! As children, as we grow we are learning, being trained continually. Ideally, our training will keep us as adults having a good foundation. For new believers in Christ we start out much the same. Children have an eagerness to learn and grow in new things; like Logan, learning how to ride a bike with no hands. He is excited telling everyone, "it took me two days!" But he didn't start at three years of age getting right on to a bike and start to ride without hands. Gwen riding with training wheels and however good she might be when she looks back, losing her focus she starts to tip. A few times she's fallen. She takes her focus off what she's doing. Logan know he has to focus, he no longer has training wheels he's moving on the meat of it and has to keep his balance. Focus is a must. Now I'm sure he sees in fromt of him and at the sides so to speak but focus is on what he's doing.
Where is our focus this morning?
When I was thinking of Logan on his bike I was reminded of a verse in part, not turning to the right or the left. 2 Chronicles 34:2 Also in 1 Kings 22:2 King Josiah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, also he became king when he was eight. He followed in the ways of his father David! WOW
Another verse is in Isaiah 50: 7 But the Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame. Of course, this is a prophesy telling of Jesus and what will be happening to him leading to the cross. We are to take up our cross daily. Our focus is on Him and we to need to set our face as flint. Not looking backward or side to side, Though we mess up God helps through it all.
One scripture I just read caught my interest. In Isaiah 30;21 Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Suggested reading, Isaiah 30:18 - 21.
Let's trust Him today to get us through this to His return. God is good always! VB
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