It's hard for me not to think of how others are doing, I'm sure you are tired as I of everything that is going on and thinking about what isn't! Sometimes you just need something else to talk about. I'm ready! Having a real conversation would be nice though it doesn't seem like many are interested in it, especially if your view point differs. I believe there should be something you can agree with and go from there. Frankly, if kids can do this - adults should give it a try.
People need to be able to share what they think and how they feel without being attacked or made to feel they have nothing to offer. How sad it is to think others can actually view and value people this way. There is no excuse for the lack of concern, lack of kindness, and lack of love that people need. It seems as though the pride of life and unwillingness to forgive has caused such hatred in persons today they can't see what is happening - the harm that it is causing - it is as if they will imploded within themselves with it.
A few months ago, at this point maybe longer, I made a decision and within that decision I was seeking closure needing to move forward. I have sought God and wisdom from Him to get me through seasons of my life with this time no different; fully intending on trusting Him and leaving what I was seeking in His hands. I felt like a weight had been lifted. Not that I was purposely holding on to something wrong, I was working on something my husband started that I just could not any longer do. It was painful to relive his illness and death over the last few years - I needed it to stop. So when got my answer and though it wasn't what I hoped - I am good with my answer. It isn't always easy to make hard decisions but once you do you need to stick to it. With Gods help you have the strength needed.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1 NLT
In other words let it go. We need to trust Him who loves us, exercising our faith does not mean - going by how we feel or what we see. We do not make the best decisions based on emotions or how we believe we are seeing things.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 NIV
Sure God has given us a mind to use let's use it wisely and trust Him. :)
If you have read my previous post I wrote of my new firsts this past year and firsts in a long while. . . How about being more creative or getting back to creativity? Take your focus off this past year for a time and start to live again. Even if all you can muster is baby steps into the back yard and breathe, drive to a clearing and watch the sun rise or set, go out the front door and yell hello waving to someone who might be lonely too. God has not intended for us to be locked down and lifeless as if dead inside. God is ALIVE and LIVING! And, if you are His - you should be too!
I'm a bit rusting with my camera -my lens aren't working well but I grabbed several shots they turned out ok considering many things that went wrong . . . I loved being out and taking photo's of anything and everything that interested me over the years. My plan is to do so again and hopefully soon.
It was a cold morning here and we got a dusting on the mountain ~
I got carried away with the Quail and through my dirty kitchen window as they scatter easily. I enjoy watching them and this year I have so many! Though I couldn't get them all in back at least 50 and in the front as many or more.
I stepped out front for this he was frozen but bravely guarding the feeder! I have several that hang back over the winter - feeders year round ~ Looking at the pictures I have a lot to improve on with being out of practice for so long! Argh ~
There are so many things that are beautiful and positive the Lord has graced us with and to enjoy I hope you take time to enjoy them.
So, how are you doing?
We are just stepping into a new year and I know carrying some baggage with us. Yes, it has been difficult times across the globe and people need to do something other than simply exist. I think there is at least one thing all of us can agree on even if it is saying goodbye to 2020 and be thankful not to see another one again. But, decisions need to be made, let's make them prayerfully - remembering to trust Him for the answer and stick to the decision made with that answer. We can no longer be a people that are living under fear! I do not live my life that way and don't intend to. Yes, sometimes I'm hit with a fearful thought but I chose not to stay there. Lay it down and walk away, you are responsible for your walk. Get to know God and want He wants for you. Let's walk into this new year moving forward and not stagnate in the same place or look back holding on to the once was.
Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil. Proverbs 4:25-27 NLT
Over the years I have been known to say I do not make resolutions for a new year. Mostly when we do so we are met with disappointment. I have been know to use this bit of scripture every year -
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14 NIV
For this "New Year" I have been thinking so much about closure and moving forward, you know time is short ~ and I do not want to waste anything of what God would have for me. I love to learn - so never stop learning, I want more of the Lord - so desire to know Him more and His vision and love for you.
As Enoch walked faithfully with God 365 years before he was taken up - snatched away with God as told in Genesis 5:23-24 and in Hebrews 11:5 my desire is to walk with Him 365 days this year, trusting for my life and that of my family whether they agree with my faith or not. To know the love of Christ and His purpose for all who believe and the hope of glory is well worth present day storms we find ourselves in.
Peace in Him and the Grace of the Lord Jesus be with you ~ VB
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