Sunday, February 6, 2022

Five Years ~

The word milestone is a word people use often. According to Cambridge Dictionary it can mean a mile marker - a stone or post that shows distance to various places, or to the nearest large town. Or an important event in the development or history of something or in someone's life. 

Last week I was thinking five years had zipped by and I have had a number of milestones along my journey - I'm sure many others have as well.  February 4, 2017; is when my husband passed away - Tho, old timers might say went home to be with the Lord. 

I was also thinking of another time when five years marked my journey. We were living along the northwest coast of Oregon at the time. Our boys, just babies as my pap would call them, I had recently gone through two major surgeries and been recovering from almost dying after our youngest was born. Jim had a plan. 

We had been going to a little fellowship in Warrenton started meeting in an old grange that we all helped make ready for a church. Just a small bunch of us and it was good to be a part of this fellowship. One Sunday morning we got the boys already and Jim asked what I planned on wearing. I wasn't sure and he suggested that I wear this light grey - I want to say gauchos, a white and light grey sweater and with my burgundy boots [still have the boots not the other], he continued with saying you always look very pretty in that. When we made it to church everyone there was smiling and ask how are you? I'd smile and say good! Well, it was our anniversary and Jim planned a wedding for me/us. I got to walked down the aisle, we said our vows - there was food and a wedding cake! I couldn't believe it! It was a wonderful surprise. 

You see when we got married, we both had a day off from work, moved into an apartment and went back to work the next day. No honeymoon, no big wedding, or reception. Jim's mom wasn't thrilled and the only family I had was my brother who came and was going to be my witness but couldn't sign because he was a year to young. I was very happy he was there though! It wasn't a bad day at all, I loved every moment when we first got married. What Jim did for our anniversary became one of my best memories. A beautiful milestone on my journey in this life of mine. If Jim had not 'gone home' we would have been married 44 years this December. That in itself could have also been a milestone in today's world!

What is five years? When I look at or measure time, it can go by quickly and then it can seem as it doesn't move at all and drag. My first five as I look back had many challenges but some of the best memories. I could say the same for the past five, though very different. Both has had memorable milestones. The real difference is Jim was missing in the last, and though it zipped by it seems like an eternity since I've seen him, when we had a good talk or laugh. 

I am very grateful for the years I've had, and grateful God was with us throughout the years and me still. Aw there might be a few things I'd change and then I wouldn't change a thing.  

We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace.  [no hope of remaining AMP] 1 Chronicles 29:15 NLT  

But God has a plan ~

Overall, I am good, we all have good days and not so good, my faith is in the LORD, and I am looking forward to the future. I know in my heart I will see Jim and all who have gone before. VB

I love this pic.

I realize this is long, my mom even had mentioned on another post - a bit long- lol. 

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