Friday, March 4, 2022

Our Impact ~

Years ago, when my husband and I lived in the northwest coast we made forever friends some I still keep in touch with. You never know the impact you have on the lives of others in this life. Much the same is music that touched your heart in ways of laugher, even tears, especially when hearing them again. Even cherished memories from photos. Recently I've been thinking a lot about those days. Our lives were changed through our experiences and growth in a relationship with God/Jesus. I know I have continued to change for the better, Jim would agree. What has me thinking - lol- I'm always thinking!

Maybe since at church, and it's always a blessing, seeing others get baptized - reminded me when Jim and I got baptized at the same time, it was June of 82 in the great Pacific on the Oregon coast. We were in a small fellowship, and after deciding to do this, we met out on the beach just before dusk. We were ready, our closest friends [Seaside family] which was the fellowship, and our two little ones were there. I was about two months pregnant; the water was cold though we didn't notice till we got back onto the dry sand. The anticipation we felt was exciting - I can't help but say the love and joy in our hearts was such a blessing to us both, we also sang a couple short songs of praise out of Psalms. This memory I have occasionally but was more recently triggered from watching others getting baptized with some who've just given their life to the Lord, others rededicating their life with baptism. 

Here at church this past Sunday and in the Widows group, a few of us had been sharing about worship and music that impact(ed) our lives over the years, Keith Green was one mentioned and later after returning home I pulled up some of the songs. I can't leave out the notion that in preparing for our group I remember many things - some I share - it is all healing, even the tears. My focus continues in the Lord even when my memory stirs with past thoughts of what was, I thank a Heavenly Father for how He blessed me with Jim and our boys, with everyone we've met on our path and what He is continuing to do in my life.

Last night after heading to bed I fell to sleep fairly quick only to wake up around two not being able to fall back to sleep. I kept praying and crying to myself as in partly asleep but not, thinking, with this song going over and over. This continued until I got out of bed around five.

As each day passes by, I feel my love run dry

 I get so weary, worn and tossed 'round in the storm

Well I'm blind to all His needs and I'm tired of planting seeds

I seem to have a wealth of so many thoughts about myself

I want to, I need to, be more like Jesus

I want to, I need to, be more like Him

Songs do impact you. This song is a desire to grow and continually be more like Jesus. John 3:30 He must increase; but I must decrease. ESV   This is how I feel and believe in my heart. It is my desire to do so. And I believe this is why some songs bring me to tears, not just a happy memory of how things were when love was new and exciting, but a reminder God is causing growth working on things still needing to be sloughed off ever moving forward to where my race ends.

For those of us that have a relationship with the Lord, we are on a race Hebrews12:1, and we need to finish. We all impact those around us and I want to be a worthy runner.

Another trigger is at The River we have been studying about Heaven reading through Randy Alcorn's book and in scripture. This book has been eye opening to what the Bible has been saying on eternal life and I surely don't want anyone to miss out. What's your desire deep in your heart?

For many of us in the Widows group we would agree that life is short, and our husbands left to soon. My husband very much impacted my life, and he is missed - however - I know I will see him again. It does make me sad here but rejoicing he is healed and no longer living this life of pain, and God continues to bless my life. I understand the concerns that our group has with this world that's torn and hurting and the uncertainty of loved ones. But I don't forget God is working and my faith is in Him.

As I have been blessed by so many the Lord has connected me with, I pray I am able to be a blessing to others. It was interesting as I looked back at Keith Green's life, he died very young just 28 with his two children in a plane crash. His wife Melony was home with a small child and one on the way. She continued forward and also in Last Days Ministries - ministry they started - it certainly wasn't something easy. I also watched a clip I had never seen before and for those - if reading - Keith was 11 years old and signed a 5-year contract as the youngest rock 'n roll singer. He was also of Jewish heritage and raised in Christain Science [I didn't know]. A talented - gifted young man who sought the truth and found the Lord. He was very young, and God blessed many of us through him. His music is still being sung today. One song he wrote a song I hadn't remember hearing before [A letter to my parents - I want to see you there].  That is my desire for others, more so than the concerns of today with all we see. I want to see you there.

Enjoy ~ Really cute!

Last thought ~ The beauty of the Lord is - He never wastes any season in our lives. He always works all things in our lives for good if we allow Him to. Rebecca Greenwood 2010    And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 ESV

A very happy and cherished memory ~

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