Monday, October 16, 2023

This Chair ~

 If there ever were a chair that said come sit with me, it would be this chair. 

A welcomed spot, this chair would say, why would you ever think to stay away.

Come set with me under this nice tree, O won't you spend time with me ~

What is so important that keeps you away, this chair would say?

It surely would be time well spent - right here with me, chair said.

I am here at the cool of each day. 

And, when the warmth of the sun breaks through the leaves I'm there, 

waiting ~

As you can see in the pictures, at least for me, they look peaceful and restful. Living in the desert where it's been hot all summer long and extremely dry it's a welcomed sight to see and have. With a bit of green grass from watering the trees give an inviting place for anyone who maybe weary. A place where you can refresh and rest. 

We can be so preoccupied with life and the consent burgage of outside noise that we find can be overwhelming. But fear not you just might have a spot somewhere with a chair that is waiting for you. A place where you can leave all the cares and burdens you've been carrying for so long.

We do need a place to sit, but the chair also represents a person that cares for you; that you can count on and take all your troubles to. The Lord is waiting for you to sit and rest and spend some quality time to refuel, refresh, and in many cases be fed. People today seem to be malnourished for feeding on the wrong things.

Autumn is my most favorite time. This summer was, well there are no words, not the best it was hard. I needed to go sit in that chair several times and when I return to it, I'll stay some longer.

Many blessings to you who read, I hope you were encouraged to take time and sit, at least think on it - for someone is waiting for you.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 ESV

What is man, that you should make so much of him, and that you set your heart on him, visit him every morning and test him every moment? Job 7:17-18 ESV

"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." Jeremiah 31:25 NIV

Shalom - Peace 

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