Saturday, November 11, 2023

Honoring Our Veterans

Most recent I have been busy trying to finish jobs I started all the while seeking closure. Much of what I’ve been doing is going through the same stuff as previous years. Though something new here to share someone’s interested in Jim’s hospital bed. That in and of itself is a big deal. Unless you have tried to get rid of one you have no idea how hard it is to find someone to take it. And believe me when I say it is a top-of-the-line bed.

So yesterday and for the first time since Jim didn’t need it anymore, as it sat in the room silent for more than six years. I have to say it was mentally hard for me to plug in and turn it on to make sure it was in working order. The sound alone brought memories with it – and don’t get me wrong, I’m not attached to the bed, but Jim had needed it for years. It is a memory that was a part of our life much like going through his close and such.

Now just so you know none of what I just wrote has anything to do with what I planned to write. But while in the process needing to locate all the information on the bed, that I still haven’t found argh!, I stopped to read one of Jim’s journals. What I read in Jim’s journal is really the bit I wanted to share written in early November of 2009 that fits with honoring Veterans.

Trading Your Life for Another

How is it possible to have such hatred for another human being that you’d be willing to trade your life for that person.

It was Jesus who said that no greater love can a man have than to give his life for another. We refer to it as the “Ultimate sacrifice” especially when talking about our young men and women in the military. No one wants to see our Nations young die in battle .  .  .

(These young men and women are willing to die so that another group can continue their murder and mayhem)

One dies out of a sense of duty to country and the love and loyalty they have to their comrades next to them the other group out of unrestrained hatred and lack of regard for human life – Jim

(To be honest this sounds very much like we see today rather prophetic, VB)

Jim wrote about many things; he had a desire to write and was gifted. So, to finish up what I believe ties in with Veterans and their willingness to serve I will finish from another part from his journal.

Continuing from another page and in part .  .  .


I’ve always found it interesting that there is in fact an order to basic foundational elements of ones’ faith – But it doesn’t take too much mental effect to conclude that the greatest is indeed Love. Love covers all, Love concours all, it motivates us, call us to action. Love is the reason that God Himself sent His only Son, that whosoever believe on Him shall be saved .  .  .  As a parent it is extremely difficult for me to think about or imagine what it would feel like to send one of my boys to die for someone else – Especially someone as sinful as mankind. Imagine, if you will what it must have been like for Jesus – How much He first loved the Father, than us. Think about it, Jesus came here so that we might be saved, knowing, His fate, His assignment, His entire life, never backing down, never changing His mind – Jesus’ willingness to suffer not just the pain of physical death but the pain for ALL HIS mankind. Then He suffered the greatest pain of all, three days of total separation from God the Father.  Jim

Jesus is the best example we have as a suffering servant to those who serve. He gave everything He had to save. Many of our men and women who serve today put aside themselves unselfishly to serve and to save. Whether they are a follower of Christ or not they have a servant's heart a love for humanity they value human life and the right to live freely. This is a given right that we are at risk of losing to others that do not hold to the same value. I am reminded of a verse in in the Bible –

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant that yourselves. Philippians 2:3 ESV and not to stop there reading in verses 5-8 – Have this in mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

So today I want to honor all those that have stepped out unselfishly to serve, some gave their lives in times of war and fought hard as they severed even in times of peace they served. Some we still live among those who serve today and some we see who have served that have been forgotten that should be given the honor and care due to them. Let’s remember but not just remember let’s thank them and their families that also gave fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters – their times at home with their families those they dearly love up to serve – it doesn’t matter the Branch they served – THEY SERVED and gave themselves for all of us and our country .  .  .

Jim & Me ~

BTW – The bed will be used to help someone who needs it. Jim asked that I not get rid of it that somebody will need it, lol. I will need a part pray that I can get it so this gentleman can use it. Thank you

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