Tuesday, January 16, 2024

I May Look Sixty,

but I'm older than that and should know better!

Last week, and it was pretty chilly, I took pity, as always, on the hummers. Several of these feisty little birds hang back throughout the winter. I really don't know why exactly since people mostly take all feeders in or just let them run out, not me, as well as it can be slim pickings in the bug department. This is the only place we've lived that I keep them going. So, when the temp drops below 30 degrees, depending, I bring in the feeders when dark and back out just before the sun comes up. The sugar water tends to separate when it starts to freeze and when it freezes hard the feeders can break.

I leave several out since the bees visit when its warmer in the day also woodpeckers enjoy hitting the feeders as well. Three of my feeders hang from the eves of the house in which I need something to stand on. Over the years I've use unused walkers - step stools - or grabbed someone taller. When I was at the Trading Post in hopes to find my grams tray or something close to it, as shared in my previous post, I found this, not what it's called, a stool with a seat that reminded me of one my gram had so I grabbed it. Of course, it was in much better condition than you see in the picture below being it's been left outside to the weather over the years. You could say it is overly weathered by our weather!

So, as I mentioned it was pretty chilly - cold in fact early last Tuesday morning when I went out to hang the feeders back. When placing the stool with a seat I needed to place it just right and as the aloe has been growing outward, I have been a bit further out myself causing me to stretch further for the hook. Not good. This particular morning, I got on the top and it move at the back corner (my right to how I was standing) ever so slightly. Yep, it was getting ready to go.  .  .  It was literally in slow motion. But not wanting to go forward and possibly hurting my hand or arm, I tilted back slightly hoping to keep from falling. Nope!

As you can see the picture above it fell as so but I went backwards. I was laying on top of it just as you see it there. My upper back was in the bottom where the legs are, my bottom on top where the bottom step and upper step is and my legs straight ahead angling at the tip of the seat. Nothing broken thank the Lord! And I am so thankful it could have turned out so bad. I did manage to get up without a problem and walked into the house. Oh, the feeder it went and when I picked it up the sugar water gone, and the feeder was toast!

This picture shows how it was angled and it is still holding up. "They don't make stuff that good anymore!" lol

One of the things I thought when getting into the house was my footing wasn't secure. I wasn't standing firmly or on the solid ground, you know no soft spots - not grounded properly. 

Bear with me - as my mind works this way 'footing wasn't secure.' 'Not grounded!' How many times I'll thought to myself when something happened, and I recognized I wasn’t grounded as I should have been. My footing wasn't secure where it needed to be. I wasn't thinking, or I was thinking and went for it anyway, when I should know - I do know better. Commonsense or foolishness. 

I have to say for the most part I think - commonsense. But I've also done the same thing the same way for so long it is second nature - but I am getting old and I'm not 40, 50, or even 60 anymore. What is that. LIFE DOES NOT STOP!  But physically I'm not as strong as I was, I'm going to work on that. If I were to look at this spiritually - I should always be working on that.

There is nothing more important than your footing strong and grounded in the LORD. I believe even the wisest of person can do something foolish. 

Have I learned a lesson here? Well, I still had to use the stool with the seat -lol- but I made certain it was grounded well and that I was securely footed.

In part:

And may you, having been [deeply] rooted and [securely] ground in love, be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints (God's people) the width and height and depth of His love [fully experiencing that amazing, endless love]:  Ephesians 3:17-18 AMP

A lot could be said but I'll stop here. I pray that you would be rooted and ground in the love of God - press into all He has this new year, be blessed to know Him as you walk with Him.

And be careful on stools with seats :)

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