Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Search ~ for which I Seek

Sometimes I just enjoy getting in the car and driving to Willcox, a small community south of us. I really do enjoy going and enjoy chatting with the people at the feed stores and their local coffee shop. Monday morning, I decided to take the drive. There I grabbed a couple bags of bird seed and thought I'd head to Bealls and see what they had for dogs - since they do carry a few pet items for a good price. The store is smaller and doesn't carry as much as here in town but worth checking. 

While at Bealls I was asked by this lady who was using an electric cart if I could help her find blankets or quilts that were on sale - though I have to say the effort was not successful, they didn't have what she was seeking. I asked where she saw the sale sign - was there a sale sign. No blankets anywhere. Then she asks if I saw the plastic hampers she was looking for as they had them previously - which I didn't, and they didn't have any left even if they had them. I wished her well on her searching the store and we parted ways.

Continuing on I did find a few things for the pups and as I was walking, I found to my excitement a rack for drying dishes! As I looked at it, I thought this could be the one I had been seeking.

When I was a youngster my gram had what you would say one of the best trays to use for drying dishes. It was a round heavy aluminum tray from and old hotel. Of course, you've heard it said about several things they don't make them like that anymore, and they don't! When I/we moved to Arizona as a kid, that came with us and was well used. I remember one time when visiting my dad, a thought came across my mind when I was washing dishes and using that tray, "make sure you put it away." 'No kidding!'  And so, it was when my husband and I moved here the tray was gone. I was sad about it mostly for the sentimental value of it remembering gram standing at the sink washing dishes and drying them on that tray sitting on top of what was a great new invention for the modern kitchen - a dish washer! - which she never used- except for storing. I looked high and low - asking others if they've seen it? I even gone to the Trading Post to see if it had been sold to them. You can guess the answer.  .  .

This is what put me on seeking, searching in every shop for that perfect tray to dry dishes on over the years, my dad has limited counter - not the easiest kitchen to work in, but for some reason it worked with that tray. I can't explain it. "Gram"

So, while getting ready to check out I started sharing with the cashier how excited I was with my find. Using my husband as an example: "You know - my husband for years was on a search seeking that perfect piece of luggage - me a rack to dry dishes. I am so excited!" Naturally she wasn't in the least interested in my find, and I wasn't even disappointed about that. I said goodbye and have a nice day." 

As I stepped out the door and I don't know if you've ever watch Napolean Dynamite, but I started hearing this tune in my head as I headed to my car. If you are familiar with the movie and can open this. enjoy the 40 seconds.

Napolean Dynamite 'Summers Cake'

It was like I could have been there in the show, lol

When I got home, I was telling my son about the day and as I pulled out of the bag "what might be the end to my prolonged seek" I looked at it and said, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? It will not work! It isn't even for what thought it to be - as I only read EXPANDABLE DRIP TRAY!

Not sure if I would even use it under the sink and, well, not for dishes so back to the search for which I seek. Is there a moral to the story here, a lesson? Yes, as I always have one. lol

I am usually good at my observations, but I believe sometimes we can be in such a hurry or even anxious for something we lose patience not always paying attention to what we're looking at. Maybe we get lost in it all, our drive could be causing our focus to be off. As I went in a hurry through Bealls I saw what I thought was what I had been seeking - looking for at a glance.  It wasn't. Sometimes we aren't really seeing the whole picture.

Putting aside how it is good to laugh having that cheerful heart as it is the best medicine. Proverbs 17:22 I'll jump right to "patient" as a person should be.  .  .

Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city. Proverbs 16:32 :)

Let's keep this in mind next time we storm through Bealls, as I know some of you that might be hurrying through ~  :)

Shalam and Peace to you all. VB

Actual clip to the song in my head at the store -

SEARCH - and - SEEK.

I like this explanation I found. The object of seek is the item you are trying to locate, whereas the object of search is the place you are looking in.  hummmm

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

Are you seeking? And if you are where have you been searching? 

I'm really up and down with the title. 

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