Thursday, June 10, 2021

Having Fun Yet?

When my boys were younger and attending grade school, there was a kindergarten teacher whos favorite phrase was ,"Are we having fun yet!"  It was a fun class however for many of the parent helps with a very large group of kids could be overwhelming. It was one very active - busy classroom and I think the only kindergarten in Dash Point. 

In my "Friday's Rambling" post on April 4, I shared a bit on fun and being busy. Going back to that post you will see the photo's of created fun with painted cans and sticks. I decided to continue and create some fun here and there - in and out about my day of set "goals" to accomplish. I was very happy with how my new sticks turned out. 

The start ~

Not as a great artist might have done it but fun non the same.  It is even okay to look dorky in pics and at my age .  .  .  . nobody has to like it.  haha  I also needed color and I had the perfect spot for this sticks.  Oh the sticks are made for yuccas on the property I have pics here.   Though I'd been trifling / toying with putting clear and frosted glass beady things on one stick at where the blossoms bloom from so until I decide - for there always is time somewhere .  .  .  

The finish ~  

I enjoyed doing this and since the finished photo was taken I brushed down the webs and swept the diet the lizards dirt at - lol I also got those plants in the pot I understand they love - love the sun and are drought tolerant.  YAY and I'm hoping the hummers have already been enjoying them.  Now get out there and have some FUN!

Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved [shaken]. Psalm 55:22 NKJ

- casting all you care upon Him, for He cars for you. 1Peter7:7 NKJ [1Peter7:6-9, very good]

I just want to say God isn't surprised of the trials we have the storms that come upon us. He always provides a way to weather them. He is faithful. I know that you who are reading have possibly are in a season you wished wasn't upon you, lay it down at Jesus feet and more so - push yourself to do so and trust Him for your day. 

"The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26 NKJ

 [And, may you keep Him in your sights, from Me] 

Another bit of .  .  .   :)   with local music in the background ~

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